[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="Getting into
flow"] [/caption]Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi grew up in
Europe and was a child of ten when world war II ended. His experience caused
him to grapple with the question of what makes people happy. He had witnessed
a whole generation whose life, work, homes and security were destroyed by war.
He wanted to understand what made life worth living.

In this unassuming video, he talks about his life work which has become about
understanding and measuring when people are in flow. In sport we might call
this 'The Zone' or 'The Field' and it applies as much to business as it does
on the sports field.

You may know it as that experience when times seems to fly by, you have more
energy upon completion of what you are doing that when you started and you
feel an absence of self consciousness. It is the perfect space for performing
at your best.

Mihaly explains why money cannot make us happy and shows us the ingredients
for getting into flow or into the zone.
