Bush Running
This week was a bit different as I was away at a game farm with a
client. I only had my running shoes with me so resorted to doing my short,
long and one extra run. The short run was a 10km / 50min run which went well
on Tuesday morning.
Wednesday afternoon I did 35 mins just to clear my head and stretch my legs
after an intense day.
On Thursday morning I woke early and headed out at first light for a 26km
2h20min run. It went well and my recovery wasn’t bad either.
To manage my rehydration, I left some bottles of mineral water outside my
hotel room and then did 5 laps of a route through the bush stopping to drink
each time. After the run I drank loads of juice and water to rehydrate - I
stupidly hadn’t brought any rehydrate powder with me.
It was a bit hilarious when all the liquid starting working through my system.
At 11am we had a tea break and I started doing frequent toilet visits. This is
quite hard when I’m in the front of the room facilitating a conversation. I
eventually made a comment like, “I had far too much tea at teatime” and
excused myself.
The runs were great in the bush. In the early morning I had a few standoffs
with some Wildebeest (Bison I think they would be called in the US), some
Zebra’s and even some Giraffes.
I didn’t get any swims or cycles in but will make up for that on the week-end.
I am training for Ironman South Africa on 5th April 2009. This blog posting
reflects on my experiences in training. I completed the Ironman in 2008 for
the first time. I am incredibly social with the goal to finish primarily, have
fun and learn. I’m by no means a serious competitor.