Facebook's real problem
While class action suits rage around Wall Street and the shares of Facebook
continue their third day of sell offs (
), the real
problem behind the world's biggest social media site may be the unhappiness of
the users.
JWT Intelligence reports on research done in Singapore, China and the US that
- 57% of people feel jealous of others on social media sites
- 55% feel bad after taking a glimpse at other people's lives via social media
- 62% feel pressure to be witty on social media
- 57% feel social media interactions are a source of stress
While feeling bad isn't necessarily a bad business model (newspapers have for
years plied doomsday headlines in order to lure readers), it must be a
worrying trend for the social media site in a world driven towards instand
gratification and happiness.
Other fascinating items revealed in the research are that social media has
permeated even the most private aspects of our lives with 11% of people
checking social media sites while in bed with a partner and even 7% while
having intimate moments.
The full report is at http://bit.ly/Jw21Pw