The class of business science students that I teach strategy are heading out
into the world in January. They have a unique outlook on life which they will
need as they head into a world as uncertain today as anytime that I remember
in my 44 years.
We need to stop looking businesses to work for. I meet a lot of people every
month and a lot of people are asking how they will get a job or get a better
job. This is the wrong question.
The right question is, 'where can I contribute'. With contribution come
rewards. Always. If I am making a real contribution I will get rewarded either
financially or in some other meaningful way. I think we are conditioned to
expect instant gratification - I work - you pay - at the end of the month.
This is a limiting assumption and allows us to take 'jobs' that aren't
fulfilling for us nor valuable for our employers.
A better strategy would be to figure out how to be able to contribute until my
contribution is recognized. It may take two or ten months. If I can really
contribute then it is probably because the work is meaningful. If it's
meaningful I want to do it anyway and I can be patient.
In a market where 'good jobs' are getting scarcer looking for places to
contribute opens up many more options. I can do my own business, partner with
others, volunteer my time to get experience or create a joint venture with an
existing business.
And if you are going to go the contribute route then make sure you do it on
your own terms.