Jack Welch was wrong
If we had all taken
Jack Welch's advice
we would be
firing 10% of our staff every year.
Firing the bottom 10% performers may work for some companies for some periods
of time. It doesn't work for all companies, all the time.
Besides the disruption and killing of culture, it assumes that you have a good
enough system for judging performance. Few companies do.
This is the danger of business books from so called 'experts' who proclaim to
have the answers to some of the toughest business challenges.
It is tempting to think that a book, talk or video from an expert will offer a
solution to your problem.
Listen to the ideas and think about what works for you, in your business.
Being critical is, well critical.
Be cautious of adopting ideas without grappling with the complexity of your
own situation.
Be even more cautious of people who say "Jack Welch did it so it can't be so
Of course you could replace 'Jack Welch' in the above sentence with 'Steve
Jobs' or any other famous CEO.
Image source: http://bit.ly/YaDTIH