Reading an article on Slow Twitch web site about Kenny
From the web site

“Ken Glah has won six Ironman events, finished ten times in the top 10 at the
Ironman World Championships, and has raced well over 50 Ironman races and
countless other triathlons in his career so far. Meet the legendary athlete
with the flowing hair.”

“He had 10 Top 10 finishes in Kona spanning from 1986 through 2000, truly

I was most interested in the amount of training he does. Asked about what his
typical week looks like now versus 10 or 15 years ago he answered.

Ken: Well with my travel business the busiest time of year for me is from mid
January until mid July so I am in pretty bad shape when I get back from
Europe. After a month of trying to get some training in I can maybe be doing
300 miles (480km) on the bike by mid August, 55 miles (88km) running and
12,000 to 15,000 (19km to 24km) swimming but the quality is not very good
until mid September so maybe I get 2 weeks where I feel like things are going
well before heading to Hawaii. I am hoping to stay in a bit better shape this
year in the spring and early summer so that I can get things going a bit
quicker when I get home from the tours to the European Ironman races.

In years past when I was focused just on racing I was doing 500 miles (800km)
or so on the bike, 70 plus miles (112km) running, 18,000 to 21,000 meters
(28,800 to 33,600 metres) swimming and strength work 2 or 3 times a week for
about 5 weeks before I would start my taper for Hawaii. During those big weeks
there were some very good quality workouts with rides of 160 miles (256km) at
22 miles an hour (35.2km/h) followed by either a track workout of 4 x 1 mile
(1,600m) in 5:20 and a total run of 10 or 12 miles (16 to 19km) or just a
straight hard run off the bike of 12 to 17 miles (19 to 27km).

I’m now starting to get it why with my 210km riding, 40km running and 8km
swimming a week I am where I am and he is where he is. I suppose another way
of looking at is that I’m halfway there.


I am training for Ironman South Africa on 5th April 2009. This blog posting
reflects on my experiences in training. I completed the Ironman in 2008 for
the first time. I am incredibly social with the goal to finish primarily, have
fun and learn. I’m by no means a serious competitor.