Old Fisherman's Trail Run
This last Saturday was the annual Fisherman’s Trail Run. This year it was the
downhill route from Hout Bay through to Fish Hoek. It’s downhill because we
spend more time running down than up but considering we start on Hout Bay
beach and end on Fish Hoek beach with the small matter of a mountain range in
between - downhill was perhaps not the best description.
We were blessed with fantastic weather. It’s always good to have a gentle
breeze pushing us up the mountain paths which was the case up Blackburn
Ravine. I haven’t done that route before so it was quite mentally tough as it
kept going and I wasn’t sure where the top was. I linked up with Kobus a
friend from our CRAG running group and we made our way up the winding path.
It was a relief to get to the top and start the decline down to Silvermine. We
unfortunately missed a turn at the dam and ended up doing an extra kilometer
as we ran back to the checkpoint to get our passport checked. From there we
crossed Ou Kaapse Weg and then made our way up Klein Tuinkop above Kalk Bay
before dropping down into Echo Valle, Boyes Drive and around the corner to
Fish Hoek.
As I left Fish Hoek the cold front that had been lurking came in and we hit
rain as we made our way back to Hout Bay to pick up our cars. I’ve included
the Google Earth file and an aerial picture of the route.