Headed out at 6.30 this morning for my long run.

Each week consists of eight sessions. Two swim, two cycle, two run (a
long and a short each) and then two gym sessions.

My run today was a 2h40m which took my down to Danger Beach in False Bay.

There is nothing quite as good as heading out on the road while most
people are still sleeping and seeing the light of a new day just after

The way down to Dangers was comfortable enough. There was a gentle
south easter which made it cool. The hundreds of cyclists who were on
the main road were either grimacing into the wind or looking visibly
smug as they smiled at their opposite numbers who were still making
their way down to Cape Point and the South Peninsula.

At Danger Beach I did a short distance on the soft sand to get my time
to 1h20 and half way.

On the way back my legs did some serious suffering and my right knee
and left thigh were in agony by the time I got home.
The good thing is that a cold bath and some rest and I'm ready to go again