Slowly and suddenly
Real change happens like this doesn't it? Slowly and then suddenly.
Particularly when we set off on a significant new direction. The type of
personal change where we fundamentally shift our outlook and start behaving in
a different way. Or maybe we no longer accept something which we have accepted
for a long time.
When we look back on our lives and are amazed at how we were previously, we
know we have made a big change.
However we seldom, if ever, notice the day when things are different.
On reflection, we look back, and say something like, 'I can't believe I used
to think/be/behave like that'.
And yet looking forward, we often long for the day when something will change.
Here is the bad news.
Even if significant change happens, it is unlikely that you notice on the day
it does.
Leading up to the change it feels like it is taking for ever or will never
Only when we have made the change and look back on it, can we see the point
where things suddenly changed.
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