Strategy and yoga
The game of chess is often rolled out as being useful for strategic thinking.
The chess requirement to think ahead and manage decisions on multiple fronts
is valuable for strategists.
But the practice of yoga is more apt as both metaphor and training.
Chess masters can get obsessed with winning and losing, making it a zero sum
Yogi's on the other hand spend their time challenging their awareness. Finding
ways to continually improve. The winners in yoga are those who do the
practice. Pushing the limits over and over again.
In the process we get to know ourselves. It is hard to be biased about our
yogic abilities when we have to face them on the mat, in all their glory.
Strategists could learn from yoga that daily practice, awareness, learning and
incremental improvements are more important than a fascination on competition
and winning.
We can also think about Yoga as much as we want, but if we do not do the
practice, nothing happens.
And the reward lies in reflection. Looking back on where we have come from
provides the motivation to keep pushing the limits.
Thanks to Jarvis and the
team for
giving me a magical place to practice and, without knowing it, the inspiration
to make this connection.
Image source: Jim Harrington Yoga