[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="Barack
Obama"] Barack Obama [/caption]

It is fair to say that Barack Obama took the world by storm, not only with his
message of hope for America but also the way that he went about his campaign.
In addition to the execution of his campaign strategy, he stepped into the
forefront at exactly the right time. America and the world had reached the
tipping point in their tolerance of the Bush government and he offered
something which was a breath of fresh air in comparison.

This was certainly not the only reason that his strategy got himself elected.
In order to get into the game he needed to defeat Hilary Clinton in the
primaries which was possibly more difficult that beating John McCain to the
White House.

In this short video David
Plouffe. Barack's campaign manager gives an overview of their campaign
in June 2008, 5 months
before the election. Not only do you get a strong sense of clarity around
their approach, but also of the many challenges, money being one of them,
which they needed to overcome.