Imagine sitting in a room in 1991 with a group of South African’s
trying to map out what the nation would look like in 2002. At the time we were
in the middle of negotiations, the country was racked in violence and
uncertainty, we were yet to have our first democratic elections and predicting
the future was a risky business.
Nelson Mandela had been released from prison in 1990 promising widespread
nationalisation which was the ANC economic policy at the time, and the Anglo
Scenarios popularised by Clem Sunter were veering towards the Low Road.
At the time, Pieter le Roux of UWC was offered money from German foundation
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung to organise a conference on the future of South
Africa. Sceptical about the conferences that had been held to that point,
where delegates reiterated their stated positions, Le Roux decided to follow a
different approach and run a scenario-planning exercise.
Meeting outside Cape Town at the Mont Fleur Conference Centre, Le Roux
gathered participants from all major groupings of political, business,
academic and social organisations*. He chose them based on who they
represented but importantly asked them to participate on a personal rather
than organisational basis, allowing them the freedom to explore all points of
view rather than toeing a particular “party” line.
That group of people today looks like the who’s who of South Africa and
includes Tito Mboweni, Trevor Manuel, Christo Wiese, Vincent Maphai and Saki
Macozoma (for a full list of participants — see below).
The scenario-planning exercise was facilitated by Adam Kahane who had cut his
teeth on scenario planning at Shell, one of the world leaders in the process.
The group met in September 1991 followed by a period of research until their
second meeting in November that year. There they assessed their progress and
developed four scenarios. They then started a period of consultation until
March 1992 where they finalised their work and started the process of
One of the groups that Mont Fleur participants presented to and consulted with
were select cabinet ministers. Nick Segal, who has researched all major
scenario-planning exercises in South Africa, reports that “after the
presentation, Derek Keys** casually mentioned that he happened to have in his
car slides of a presentation he had recently made to Cabinet on the state of
the economy and asked whether the team might have any interest in seeing
This presentation was very influential as the group realised that South Africa
wasn’t the rich country that they had believed but was rather in a dire
economic situation predominantly as a result of sanctions and a very expensive
war with the frontline states.
Segal goes on to say: “In mid-September 1992, only a few weeks after this
episode and at a time when political negotiations had broken down, a wide-
ranging interview with Mandela was published in Johannesburg’s leading daily
The Star
. Mandela made the following comments on the economy: ‘We
want to break the deadlock (in the negotiations), because if we don’t, I fear
that the economy is going to be so destroyed that when a democratic government
comes into power, it will no longer be able to solve it. The longer it takes
for democracy to be introduced, the more difficult it will be to repair the
economy.’ ” Mandela’s position was changed as a result of a meeting the
previous week with Manuel where they had discussed Key’s presentation on the
The ANC’s economic policy was changing.
The four scenarios developed covered South Africa for the period 1992 to 2002
describing possible futures and how they would have an impact on the social,
economic and political agenda. The idea was not to develop definitive truths
but to stimulate debate on these topics.
The four scenarios described in the final Mont Fleur document are:
Ostrich, in which a negotiated settlement to the crisis in South Africa is not achieved and the country’s government continues to be non-representative.
Lame Duck, in which a settlement is achieved but the transition to a new dispensation is slow and indecisive.
Icarus, in which transition is rapid but the new government unwisely pursues unsustainable, populist economic policies.
Flight of the Flamingos, in which the government’s policies are sustainable and the country takes a path of inclusive growth and democracy.
Speaking about Keys’ presentation Manuel says “Derek sat around and chatted
with us, and it was very important, because we were trying to understand the
Icarus scenario and the dangers of macro-economic populism. That was certainly
profound for me”. It was the start of a friendship and mentoring relationship
across the political divide that Manuel and others admit was important in
preparing the young team for the task that lay ahead. (From Alister Sparks’
Beyond the Miracle
Last year I invited Maphai (currently SAB executive director for corporate
affairs and at the time chairman of BHP Billiton) to speak to our strategy
students at UCT. Not wanting to miss the opportunity I asked him how much Mont
Fleur had affected ANC economic thinking. He confirmed that the scenario
exercise had had a profound affect on the participants who later went on to
hold very influential positions in South Africa post 1994.
Mboweni, who became Reserve Bank Governor in 1999 stated in his inauguration
address “we are not Icarus; there is no need to fear that we will fly too
close to the sun”.
In his book,
Solving Tough Problems
, the facilitator of Mont Fleur, Kahane,
quotes Manuel saying: “It’s not a straight line [from Mont Fleur to GEAR]. It
meanders through, but there is a fair amount in all that going back to Mont
Fleur … I could close my eyes now and give you those scenarios like this. I’ve
internalised them and if you have internalised something then you probably
carry it with you for life.”
With Manuel’s success as finance minister, following very similar policies to
those outlined by the Flight of Flamingos Scenario, the question is whether he
will now, in the possibly more powerful position as head of the National
Planning Commission, be able to influence ANC policy sufficiently to keep the
organisation on the right side of the balance between sound economic policy
and macro-economic populism.
That the ANC is bigger than its individuals was demonstrated in the recalling
of Thabo Mbeki last year. It is unlikely that Manuel was simply a renegade
finance minister who managed a policy which wasn’t in line with broader ANC
Jacob Zuma’s resistance thus far to give into the labour movements’ calls for
more populist policies, bodes well for a theory that it wasn’t Manuel alone
that set the course of economic policy over the past years but that it was a
widely accepted ANC approach.
ANC thinking is clearly aligned with that of Mboweni, Mbeki and Manuel and
while South Africa has yet to demonstrate that sound economic policy rather
than macro-economic populism delivers to the poor and not only the rich, a
break with this thinking would lead us down a hole from which it will be
difficult to recover.
- With the notable exception of the Inkatha Freedom Party
** Derek Keys — former Gencor executive chairman, brought into the cabinet by
FW de Klerk as minister of economic affairs in January of 1992 later taking
over the finance portfolio and becoming finance minister from 1992 to
September 1994.
This article also published on Dale’s Mail & Guardian Thought Leader blog
Full list of Mont Fleur participants:
Dorothy Boesak
Rob Davies
Howard Gabriels
Adam Kahane
Koosum Kalyan
Michiel le Roux
Pieter le Roux
Johann Liebenberg
Saki Macozoma
Tito Mboweni
Gaby Magomola
Mosebyane Malatsi
Thobeka Cikizwa Mangwana
Trevor Manuel
Vincent Thabane Maphai
Philip Mohr
Nicky Morgan
Patrick Ncube
Gugile Nkwinti
Brian O’Connell
Mahlomola Skosana
Viviene Taylor
Sue van der Merwe
Dr Winfried Veit
Christo Wiese