
The strategy conversation you can only have here

Ueli Gegenschatz, lots of practice and a matching mental attitude


[caption id="attachment_302" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Ueli Gegenschatz"] Ueli Gegenschatz [/caption]One of the most incredible things I have seen is Ueli Gegenschatz base flying along the side of a cliff in his wing suit. The closest thing to humans flying showing incredible skill and ability. In this video he takes us through his progression from parachuting, skydiving, sky surfing and then base jumping, what he called the purest form of human flight.

Incredible visuals and demonstrating how to achieve a personal strategy in an incremental way.

Sadly, after a BASE jumping accident on Nov. 11 2009, Ueli died in a Swiss hospital.

This post is in memory of a visionary athletic pioneer.

You can watch his fascinating talk at and the video is included below.