
The strategy conversation you can only have here

Valuing yourself

A hangover from the industrial age is the idea that a salary is for a job
which is for a long time.

Many people live in fear of losing their job.

They could instead be considering the value they bring to the organisations
they inhabit on a daily basis.

I remember, when I had a job, dividing my salary by 21 days and again by 8
hours to see how much I was worth an hour.

Or figuring out my annual pay as a reward for everything I did in the year.

It begs the question, 'Am I worth it?'

These are fun ways to shake the paradigm that a job and a salary will always
be there.

A slightly harder question is 'how much am I worth?'

Whether being paid by the hour, by the talk, by the session, by the day or by
the deal, do we perhaps always gravitate to what we believe we are really

Coming up with a figure can be the hardest question of all.

Many people prefer to be undervalued than to ask their true worth.

How much am I worth

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