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Job to be Done / Manage investment portfolios


If you are wanting to oversee and strategize investment portfolios to maximize returns and minimize risks then the tools below could be useful. You can also look for tools to get other jobs done.

Tool How it gets the job done
6 Market Dynamics '6 Market Dynamics' effectively guides decisions on where to invest money for growth and stability.
ASL Matrix The system organizes and tracks financial assets to help individuals make informed decisions about their investments.
Agile Organization Design Agile Organization Design helps in overseeing and optimizing the collection of projects and initiatives aimed at generating financial returns.
Agile Portfolio Management Agile Portfolio Management helps organize and oversee different investments to ensure they are profitable and well-maintained.
Agile Transformation Model The Agile Transformation Model helps organize and optimize financial assets for better decision-making and growth.
BEANE Test for Product Adoption The BEANE Test helps investors make smart decisions about where to put their money for growth and success.
Backcasting By envisioning future goals first, then working backward to determine steps, it helps in making smart decisions for handling financial assets effectively.
Bain Business Unit Strategy Bain Business Unit Strategy helps oversee and grow financial assets effectively.
Balanced Scorecard It helps track and evaluate financial performance to make smart decisions about where to invest money for the best returns.
Barriers to Adoption Identifying challenges and solutions to effectively handle financial assets.
Benchmarking Benchmarking compares investment performance against similar portfolios to make informed decisions on managing investments effectively.
Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) Setting ambitious long-term targets helps oversee and grow financial assets effectively.
Blockchain Strategy Map The system helps organize and track different types of investments to make sure they are managed effectively and profitably.
Blueprint for Growth 'Blueprint for Growth' helps organize and grow your money wisely.
Business model scalability The process of expanding a company's way of making money helps in handling various types of financial assets effectively.
Calculated risks By analyzing potential outcomes, it helps in making decisions about where to put money for growth and stability.
Cause and Effect Analysis Identifying factors impacting investments helps make better decisions for managing money effectively.
Co-opetition Co-opetition involves collaborating and competing with others to strategically invest money for growth and profit.
Contingency Planning In case unexpected events happen, a plan is in place to protect and grow the money you've invested.
Continuous Improvement By consistently making things better, it ensures that your investments are managed effectively and efficiently.
Critical Question Analysis This approach helps in making smart decisions about where to invest money for better returns and reduced risks.
Critical Success Factors Identifying key elements for successful investment management ensures effective decision-making and performance in handling financial assets.
Cross-Industry Innovation By adapting successful strategies from different fields, it optimizes financial assets for growth and stability.
Customer Experience Mapping Understanding customer needs and preferences helps make informed decisions on where to invest money for growth and returns.
Customer-Driven Innovation By understanding what customers want, it helps make smart decisions about where to invest money.
Cynefin Framework The framework helps understand complex situations to make informed decisions about investments.
Deloitte's Growth Framework Deloitte's approach helps oversee and grow money pots effectively.
Delta Model The Delta Model effectively organizes and optimizes financial assets to help individuals make informed decisions about their investments.
Diamond Model The Diamond Model helps organize and analyze different aspects of investments to make informed decisions for managing portfolios effectively.
Diffusion of Innovations Curve The curve helps understand how new ideas spread, aiding in making smart choices for investing money wisely.
Digital Maturity Model The system assesses digital capabilities to effectively oversee financial assets.
Digital Transformation Strategy Helps companies make smart financial decisions to grow and succeed in the digital age.
Diversification Diversifying spreads your money across different types of investments to help balance risks and potentially increase returns in your investment portfolio.
Dynamic Capabilities Assessment This assessment evaluates a company's ability to adapt and grow, ensuring wise decisions are made when choosing where to invest money.
Dynamic Capabilities Framework The framework helps companies adapt and grow their investments effectively.
Efficiency of Scale By combining many investments, it helps handle a bunch of money smartly.
Employee Empowerment By giving employees authority and control, they can effectively oversee and make decisions about various investment portfolios.
Employer Branding Creating a positive image for a company helps attract investors and grow their financial assets effectively.
Financial Modeling Software This software helps organize and track different investments to make informed decisions and grow wealth effectively.
Five Elements of Strategy The framework helps organize and optimize financial assets for growth and stability.
Four Pillars of Long Term Value The framework guides decisions on where to invest money for long-term growth and stability.
Future Back Thinking By envisioning future scenarios, it guides decisions on where to invest money wisely for long-term growth and stability.
General Electric Matrix The framework helps decide where to invest money based on market attractiveness and business strength.
Goals Grid The system helps organize and track financial assets to make informed decisions for growing wealth effectively.
Hambrick and Fredrickson's Strategy Diamond It organizes aspects like arenas, vehicles, differentiators, staging, and economic logic to effectively oversee and grow investment portfolios.
Hedgehog Concept The strategy helps in making smart decisions about where to put money for growth and stability in investments.
Hoshin Planning System Hoshin Planning System aligns goals with resources to optimize investment decisions effectively for long-term success in managing financial assets.
Innovation Radar The system identifies and evaluates new ideas and projects to make smart decisions about where to invest money for growth and returns.
Innovation vs. Reaction This system helps make smart decisions about where to invest money for future growth and financial security.
Interrelationship Digraph This technique helps organize and prioritize different aspects of investments to make informed decisions for better portfolio management.
Judo Strategy Judo Strategy effectively organizes and oversees financial assets to help individuals grow their money wisely.
Kaizen Continuous improvement system enhances investment portfolio management through iterative adjustments and efficiencies, ensuring optimal performance and growth over time.
Kano Model The model helps identify features that investors value most, guiding decisions on where to allocate resources for optimal portfolio management.
Kay's Distinctive Capabilities Framework This framework helps identify unique strengths to effectively oversee financial assets.
Lafley & Martin's 5-Step Strategy Model This approach guides decision-making to grow and diversify financial assets effectively.
Lewin's Change Management Model By analyzing current state, implementing change, and stabilizing new processes, it ensures effective management of investment portfolios.
MacMillan Matrix The system organizes and tracks financial assets to help individuals make informed decisions about their investments.
Market dominance Market dominance involves strategically selecting investments to maximize returns and minimize risks, guiding the growth and stability of investment portfolios effectively.
McKinsey's Seven Degrees of Freedom for Growth This approach helps oversee where to put money for growth.
McKinsey's Three Horizons of Growth It helps identify current, new, and future projects to ensure a balanced and successful mix of investments for long-term growth.
Options Matrix Tool The Options Matrix helps organize and optimize different investment choices for better portfolio management.
Organization Design Principles It structures how companies work to handle money wisely.
PEST and PESTEL Analysis Analyzing external factors helps make informed decisions about investments.
Pareto Analysis (The 80/20 Rule) Identifying key factors to focus on for better investment decisions based on analyzing which inputs have the most impact.
Penetration Pricing By setting lower prices initially, companies can attract more investors to grow their investment portfolios effectively.
Pentagon and Triangle "Pentagon and Triangle" is a system that effectively organizes and oversees financial assets to help individuals grow their wealth wisely.
Performance Prism The system helps track and improve how money is invested to make sure it grows effectively over time.
Platform Ecosystem Strategy This strategy helps organize and oversee different investments effectively.
Platformization Strategy The strategy organizes and optimizes financial assets for effective growth and risk management in investment portfolios.
Playscripting Playscripting organizes and tracks financial assets to help individuals make informed decisions about their investments.
Practical Business Planning Organizing financial assets effectively to maximize returns and minimize risks.
Privacy-by-Design Framework This framework ensures that sensitive information related to investments is protected and handled securely throughout the portfolio management process.
Product Opportunity Evaluation Matrix - Poem Matrix The Poem Matrix helps in deciding where to invest money wisely for better returns and growth.
Pyramid of Organisational Development The structure helps oversee and grow financial assets effectively.
Pyramid of Purpose The structure helps organize and oversee financial assets for growth and stability.
Rapid growth 'Rapid growth' effectively handles the process of overseeing and optimizing financial assets for individuals or organizations seeking to increase their wealth.
Resilience Strategy Framework The framework helps organize and protect different types of investments effectively.
Rethinking Matrix Organization This approach efficiently organizes resources and decision-making structures to effectively oversee and grow financial assets.
Risk Management Framework The process helps in making smart decisions about where to invest money to keep it safe and grow over time.
SOAR Analysis SOAR Analysis helps in making smart decisions about where to invest money for growth and profit.
Scaling Strategies Scaling Strategies help ensure that investments are appropriately adjusted to meet changing needs and goals, maximizing returns and minimizing risks for investment portfolios.
Simplex Process The system uses algorithms to oversee and optimize financial assets for growth and risk control.
Strategic Agility This approach helps make smart decisions about where to invest money for long-term growth and success.
Strategic Alliances "Establishing partnerships with other companies to oversee and grow financial assets effectively."
Strategic Consistency Triangle The framework ensures that investments are aligned with long-term goals, risk tolerance, and market conditions, optimizing portfolio performance.
Strategic Horizons Strategic Horizons helps organize and oversee different financial assets to make sure they grow and perform well over time.
Strategic Resilience PlanningStrategic Scenario Planning Strategic scenario planning helps ensure investment portfolios are well-prepared for unexpected events, allowing for better management and decision-making.
Sweet Spot Sweet Spot effectively organizes and oversees financial assets to help individuals grow their money wisely.
Systematic Analysis By organizing and evaluating financial data systematically, it helps in overseeing and optimizing various investments effectively.
Systematic Approach to Management This approach organizes and oversees financial assets to help individuals grow their money wisely and reach their investment goals effectively.
TOWS Matrix The TOWS Matrix helps in analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to make informed decisions for managing investments effectively.
Tactical Business Planning Tactical Business Planning helps in organizing and overseeing different investments to ensure they grow and meet financial goals effectively.
Technology Roadmap A detailed plan showing how to wisely spend money on different technologies to help a business grow and succeed.
Theory of Constraints (TOC) Identifying and focusing on the most critical aspects of managing investments to maximize returns efficiently and effectively.
Three Horizons of Growth The framework helps identify current, emerging, and future opportunities to make informed decisions on where to invest for growth.
Three Levels of Business Models This framework helps organize and optimize financial assets for individuals or companies looking to grow their wealth through strategic planning and decision-making.
Total Quality Management (TQM) Total Quality Management ensures efficient handling of investment portfolios by maintaining high standards and continuous improvement in all aspects of portfolio management.
VMOST Analysis VMOST Analysis helps organize and prioritize tasks to effectively oversee and grow financial assets.
Value Curve Analysis Value Curve Analysis helps in making smart decisions about where to put money to make more money in the stock market.
Value Net Model The Value Net Model helps organize and analyze financial assets to make smart decisions about where to invest money.
Value-Based Management By focusing on maximizing returns relative to risks, it helps oversee where to put money for growth and stability.
Value-Based Pricing By setting prices based on the perceived value of investments, it helps in making strategic decisions for managing portfolios effectively.
X-Matrix The system helps organize and track different investments to make sure they grow and meet financial goals effectively.