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Job to be Done / Implement corporate social responsibility (CSR)


If you are wanting to develop and execute csr initiatives to contribute positively to society and enhance the company’s reputation then the tools below could be useful. You can also look for tools to get other jobs done.

Tool How it gets the job done
6 Market Dynamics 6 Market Dynamics helps companies integrate ethical practices into their operations, ensuring they contribute positively to society and the environment.
ASL Matrix ASL Matrix organizes actions for businesses to support society and the environment effectively.
Affinity Diagrams By organizing ideas and themes, it helps companies effectively put their social responsibility plans into action.
Agile Organization Design Agile Organization Design helps companies integrate ethical practices into their operations, fostering positive impacts on society and the environment.
Agile Portfolio Management Agile Portfolio Management helps companies integrate ethical practices into their operations, ensuring they contribute positively to society and the environment.
Appreciative Inquiry By focusing on positive aspects and strengths, it helps companies integrate ethical practices and community involvement into their operations effectively.
BEANE Test for Product Adoption The BEANE Test helps companies ensure they are acting ethically and sustainably in their business practices.
Backcasting By envisioning a future where sustainability is fully integrated, actions are planned backward to align current decisions with corporate social responsibility goals.
Balanced Scorecard It helps companies track and improve their impact on society and the environment, ensuring they are socially responsible.
Barriers to Adoption Identifying challenges hindering the acceptance of social responsibility practices within a company to effectively integrate ethical and sustainable initiatives.
Benchmarking Comparing company practices to industry standards helps improve social and environmental efforts effectively.
Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) Setting a challenging and inspiring long-term goal guides a company to actively contribute positively to society and the environment.
Blockchain Strategy Map The system helps companies support social causes transparently and efficiently.
Blockchain for Supply Chain Transparency By tracking product origins transparently, it ensures companies act ethically and sustainably, promoting social and environmental responsibility.
Blueprint for Growth This system guides companies in adopting ethical practices to benefit society and the environment, ensuring they contribute positively to the community.
Business Ecosystem Modeling Tool This tool helps companies plan and execute activities that benefit society and the environment, aligning with ethical and sustainable business practices.
Business Motivation Model The framework helps companies integrate ethical practices into their operations, fostering positive social and environmental impacts.
Business model scalability By expanding a company's structure, it can effectively integrate ethical practices into its operations and positively impact society.
Calculated risks By carefully evaluating potential outcomes, it helps companies act responsibly towards society and the environment.
Carbon Footprint Calculator for Business This tool helps businesses measure and reduce their environmental impact, aligning with ethical practices and benefiting society and the planet.
Catchball Process By passing ideas back and forth between different levels of the company, employees can work together to integrate social responsibility into daily operations effectively.
Cause and Effect Analysis By identifying root causes and their effects, it helps companies make socially responsible decisions effectively and with a clear understanding of the outcomes.
Change Management Change Management ensures that a company effectively adopts ethical practices and sustainability initiatives to benefit society and the environment.
Circular Business Model Canvas The framework helps companies integrate ethical practices into their operations, fostering positive impacts on society and the environment.
Circularity Gap Reporting Tool The Circularity Gap Reporting Tool helps companies track and improve their environmental and social impact efforts.
Co-opetition Co-opetition involves companies working together to benefit society and the environment while also competing in the market.
Compliance Management Systems A system that ensures companies follow ethical guidelines and contribute positively to society.
Congruence Model The approach ensures that company values align with actions to support social and environmental causes effectively.
Contingency Planning In case of unexpected events, plans are in place to ensure the company fulfills its social responsibilities effectively.
Continuous Improvement By consistently making positive changes, companies can effectively contribute to society and the environment.
Corporate Governance Corporate Governance ensures companies act responsibly towards society and the environment, promoting ethical practices and sustainable initiatives.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Framework The CSR Framework guides companies in doing good for society and the environment, ensuring they act responsibly and ethically.
Critical Question Analysis By analyzing key questions, it helps companies act responsibly towards society and the environment.
Critical Success Factors Identifying key factors for business success ensures ethical practices are integrated effectively into company operations.
Cross-Cultural Competence Development By understanding different cultures, it helps companies act responsibly and positively impact society.
Cross-Industry Innovation By adapting successful ideas from different fields, companies can effectively integrate ethical practices into their operations.
Customer Experience Mapping Understanding customer interactions helps companies act responsibly towards society, fostering positive impacts and ethical practices.
Customer-Driven Innovation By involving customers in creating new ideas, companies can effectively contribute positively to society and the environment.
Cynefin Framework Organizes complex situations to guide companies in making ethical decisions and contributing positively to society.
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) Strategy DAOs guide companies in acting responsibly towards society, ensuring they contribute positively to communities and the environment.
Deloitte's Growth Framework Deloitte's Growth Framework helps companies create and execute plans to support social and environmental causes effectively.
Delta Model The approach helps companies integrate ethical practices into their operations effectively and with a clear focus on social and environmental impact.
Deming's 14-Point Philosophy Deming's approach guides companies to operate ethically and sustainably, fostering positive impacts on society and the environment.
Deming's Five Diseases of Management Deming's approach helps companies act responsibly by fixing common management issues, leading to better social and environmental practices.
Design Thinking By fostering creative problem-solving and empathy, companies can effectively integrate ethical practices into their operations and positively impact society.
Diamond Model The framework helps companies integrate ethical practices into their operations effectively and transparently.
Diffusion of Innovations Curve The curve helps companies introduce new social responsibility ideas to everyone in a way that catches on and becomes a normal part of their operations.
Digital Ethics Frameworks Digital Ethics Frameworks guide companies in behaving ethically online, ensuring they contribute positively to society and the environment.
Digital Maturity Model The system helps companies adopt ethical practices and contribute positively to society through structured assessment and guidance on social responsibility initiatives.
Digital Transformation Strategy By creating sustainable business practices and engaging with communities, companies can effectively contribute to social and environmental causes.
Disaster Recovery Plan A plan for emergencies helps a company act responsibly towards society during tough times, showing care for people and the environment.
Drucker's Seven Sources of Innovation Identifying new ways to benefit society by creating innovative solutions based on diverse sources of inspiration.
Dynamic Capabilities Assessment Assessing a company's ability to adapt and grow helps ensure it effectively integrates ethical practices into its operations.
Dynamic Capabilities Framework This framework helps companies adapt and grow sustainably by integrating ethical practices into their operations and decision-making processes.
Economies of Agglomeration By concentrating businesses in one area, companies can work together to benefit society and the environment.
Economies of Scope By diversifying products/services, companies can efficiently support social causes, benefiting society while enhancing their own reputation and sustainability efforts.
Ecosystem Strategy Framework This framework helps companies create and execute plans to support social and environmental causes effectively.
Efficiency and sustainability tradeoff Balancing how well a company runs with how eco-friendly it is helps ensure it acts responsibly in society.
Efficiency of Scale By streamlining operations and resources, it helps companies integrate ethical practices into their business model effectively and sustainably.
Emotional Intelligence Understanding and managing emotions effectively to promote ethical practices and positive impact within a company's community and environment.
Employee Empowerment By giving employees decision-making power and resources, companies can effectively integrate ethical practices into their operations and positively impact society.
Employee Well-Being Initiatives By promoting staff health and happiness, companies demonstrate care for society and the environment, fulfilling their responsibility to contribute positively to the community.
Employer Branding By showcasing company values and positive impact, it attracts socially conscious employees and fosters a culture of responsibility within the organization.
Ethics Canvas The framework helps companies act responsibly towards society and the environment, guiding them in making ethical decisions and fostering positive impacts.
ExO (Exponential Organization) Attributes ExO Attributes help companies integrate ethical practices into their operations effectively, fostering positive social and environmental impacts.
Fishbone diagram It helps identify causes and effects to enhance ethical practices and community involvement in a company.
Five Elements of Strategy This approach helps companies act responsibly and ethically in society by guiding them on how to align their values with community needs.
Four Pillars of Long Term Value This approach ensures companies act responsibly by considering environmental impact, social well-being, ethical practices, and economic prosperity in their operations.
Four Steps to a Conscious Business This approach guides companies in integrating ethical practices into their operations, fostering positive impacts on society and the environment.
Future Back Thinking By envisioning future goals first, companies can integrate ethical practices into their operations, fostering positive social and environmental impacts.
Futures Wheel The process helps visualize future impacts of social responsibility actions, guiding effective planning and execution for companies to contribute positively to society.
GAP Analysis Identifying areas needing improvement to align business practices with social responsibility goals.
Goals Grid The system helps companies act ethically and give back to society effectively.
Green Management Green Management ensures companies act responsibly towards society and the environment, promoting ethical practices and sustainable initiatives.
HBR Stakeholder Analysis This tool helps identify key people impacted by company actions, guiding decisions to benefit society and the environment.
Hambrick and Fredrickson's Strategy Diamond This framework helps companies integrate ethical practices into their operations, guiding them to align values, policies, and actions with societal and environmental concerns.
Harvard Business School Services Model This model guides companies in integrating ethical practices and sustainability initiatives into their operations effectively.
Hedgehog Concept The Hedgehog Concept helps companies make positive impacts on society and the environment through strategic decision-making and ethical business practices.
Heptalysis Heptalysis helps companies make positive social and environmental impacts in their communities and operations.
Hoshin Planning System This system helps companies incorporate ethical practices into their operations, ensuring they positively impact society and the environment.
Inclusive Business Model Canvas This framework helps companies integrate ethical practices into their operations, ensuring they positively impact society and the environment.
Innovation Circle This approach guides companies in adopting ethical practices and giving back to society effectively.
Innovation Management Platforms Innovation platforms help companies integrate ethical practices into their operations, fostering positive social and environmental impacts.
Innovation Pyramid The framework helps companies adopt ethical practices and contribute positively to society through structured planning and resource allocation.
Innovation Radar The system helps companies integrate ethical practices into their operations effectively and with a focus on social and environmental impact.
Innovation prioritization This process helps companies choose which new ideas to focus on, ensuring they align with ethical and community-focused practices.
Innovation vs. Reaction This approach guides companies to proactively support social and environmental causes, making a positive impact on society.
Integrated Reporting Framework The framework helps companies communicate their efforts towards social and environmental responsibility in a clear and comprehensive way.
Interrelationship Digraph This technique helps identify and prioritize connections between different aspects of a company's operations to enhance its social and environmental impact.
Iterative Design and Feedback Tools This approach helps companies improve their social impact by continuously refining their strategies based on feedback from stakeholders.
Jobs to be Done Framework (JTBD) Helps companies understand why customers choose certain products/services, guiding them to align offerings with societal values and environmental concerns.
Judo Strategy This approach helps companies act responsibly towards society and the environment, making a positive impact through their actions and decisions.
Just in Time Manufacturing By optimizing production schedules and reducing waste, companies can ethically operate, minimize environmental impact, and support communities through efficient resource utilization.
Kaizen Continuously improve company practices to benefit society and the environment.
Kanban Organizing tasks visually and tracking progress helps companies integrate ethical practices effectively into their operations.
Kano Model The model helps companies understand what customers value, guiding them to make socially responsible decisions that enhance their reputation and impact.
Kay's Distinctive Capabilities Framework This framework helps companies understand their unique strengths to effectively contribute positively to society and the environment.
Lafley & Martin's 5-Step Strategy Model This approach guides companies in integrating ethical practices into their operations, fostering positive social and environmental impacts.
Leadership team The group in charge of guiding the company's direction ensures ethical practices and community involvement are integrated into business operations effectively.
Lean Manufacturing Tool Lean Manufacturing principles promote ethical practices and sustainable operations, aligning business goals with social and environmental responsibilities effectively.
Lewin's Change Management Model By guiding step-by-step changes in company values and practices, it helps businesses adopt ethical and sustainable behaviors for positive social impact.
Life Cycle Analysis Analyzing environmental impact throughout product life helps companies act responsibly and improve sustainability efforts.
MECE Framework The MECE Framework helps companies organize and address social responsibility issues in a structured and comprehensive manner.
Market Gap Analysis Analyzing consumer needs and identifying areas for improvement helps companies integrate ethical practices into their operations effectively.
McKinsey's 7S Framework Aligning company structure, strategy, systems, skills, style, staff, and shared values to embed social responsibility effectively within the organization.
McKinsey's Seven Degrees of Freedom for Growth This approach guides companies in integrating ethical practices into their operations, fostering positive social and environmental impacts.
McKinsey's Three Horizons of Growth Helps companies plan for short-term profits, invest in sustainable practices, and innovate for future growth, aligning business goals with social and environmental responsibilities.
Mission and Vision Statements Crafting future goals and values guides companies to act ethically and contribute positively to society, fostering a culture of social responsibility.
NUDGE Theory Encourages companies to make positive social impacts through subtle prompts and incentives, shaping behaviors towards responsible practices.
Narrative Strategy Framework This framework helps companies promote ethical practices and community involvement effectively.
Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) OKRs help companies set and track goals related to social and environmental impact, ensuring they contribute positively to society.
Open Market Innovation This approach helps companies integrate ethical practices into their operations, benefiting society and the environment.
Options Matrix Tool The Options Matrix helps companies make ethical decisions and support social causes effectively.
Organization Design Principles This approach helps companies structure their operations to support ethical practices and contribute positively to society and the environment.
Osterwalder’s Business Model Environment This framework helps companies integrate ethical practices into their operations, ensuring they contribute positively to society and the environment.
PEST and PESTEL Analysis Analyzing external factors helps companies make ethical decisions and contribute positively to society.
Pareto Analysis (The 80/20 Rule) By focusing on the vital few aspects, it helps prioritize actions for social responsibility effectively.
Pentagon and Triangle This approach effectively ensures companies act responsibly towards society and the environment, fostering positive impacts and ethical practices.
Performance Prism This approach helps companies make sure they are doing good things for society and the environment.
Platform Ecosystem Strategy By creating partnerships and collaborations within a network, companies can effectively integrate ethical practices and sustainability initiatives into their business operations.
Playscripting Playscripting helps companies act responsibly towards society and the environment by guiding them in making positive impacts through their actions.
Policy Deployment By setting guidelines and actions, it ensures the company acts responsibly towards society and the environment.
Positive Deviance Framework By identifying successful outliers, it guides companies in adopting socially responsible practices effectively.
Practical Business Planning This system helps companies integrate ethical practices into their operations, ensuring they contribute positively to society and the environment.
Privacy-by-Design Framework The approach ensures that ethical practices are built into business operations from the start, promoting social responsibility within the organization.
Pyramid of Organisational Development The framework guides companies in integrating ethical practices into their operations, fostering positive social and environmental impacts.
Pyramid of Purpose The process helps companies fulfill their duty to society by integrating ethical practices into their operations and decision-making.
RACI Matrix (responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed) The RACI Matrix clarifies who is doing what, who is ultimately in charge, who needs to be consulted, and who needs to be kept informed.
Rapid Prototyping Tools Create quick models to visualize and test ideas for making companies more socially responsible.
Reidenbach and Robin's Five Stages of Corporate Ethical Development This framework guides companies in growing their ethical practices to benefit society and the environment effectively.
Resilience Strategy Framework This framework helps companies act responsibly towards society by setting up plans to handle challenges effectively and sustainably.
Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) The Responsibility Assignment Matrix clearly outlines who is responsible for carrying out specific tasks related to corporate social responsibility initiatives.
Responsibility Matrices Responsibility Matrices help assign tasks and ensure everyone does their part in supporting social and environmental initiatives within a company.
Responsibility-Centered Discipline Responsibility-Centered Discipline helps companies act ethically and give back to society effectively.
Responsible Sourcing Framework The framework ensures companies act ethically and sustainably in their supply chains, promoting fair labor practices and environmental responsibility.
Rethinking Matrix Organization This approach helps companies integrate ethical practices into their operations effectively and with a clear focus on social and environmental impact.
Risk Management Identifying potential risks and creating strategies to address them helps companies uphold ethical standards and contribute positively to society.
Risk Management Framework By identifying potential risks and creating strategies to address them, companies can ensure they are socially responsible and ethical in their operations.
Root Cause Analysis Identifying underlying issues to improve ethical practices and sustainability efforts within a company.
SOAR Analysis SOAR Analysis helps companies integrate ethical practices into their operations, fostering positive impacts on society and the environment.
Scaling Strategies Scaling Strategies help companies integrate ethical practices into their operations, ensuring they contribute positively to society and the environment.
Scenario Planning By envisioning various future situations, a company can effectively integrate ethical practices into its operations and positively impact society.
Simplex Process The process helps companies integrate ethical practices into their operations, fostering positive impacts on society and the environment.
Smarter Startup Helps companies support communities and the environment through ethical practices and giving back, promoting positive impact and sustainability.
Social Impact Measurement It assesses and quantifies the positive effects a company's actions have on society, helping them fulfill their commitment to social responsibility.
Social Return on Investment (SROI) SROI helps companies measure and improve their impact on society and the environment, guiding them to be more socially responsible.
Stakeholder Mapping Tools Stakeholder Mapping helps identify key people and their interests to ensure a company acts responsibly towards society and the environment.
Strategic Agility By adapting quickly and effectively, companies can successfully integrate ethical practices into their operations and positively impact society.
Strategic Alliances By forming partnerships with other companies, businesses can effectively promote ethical practices and contribute positively to society.
Strategic Consistency Triangle The framework ensures that company actions align with ethical values and positively impact society and the environment consistently.
Strategic Horizons This approach helps companies integrate ethical practices into their operations and positively impact society and the environment.
Strategic Innovation Canvas This framework helps companies make positive social and environmental impacts in their operations and decision-making processes.
Strategic Resilience PlanningStrategic Scenario Planning This approach helps companies prepare for potential challenges and opportunities related to social and environmental responsibilities.
Superhero Strategy This approach helps companies make positive impacts on society and the environment through planned actions and initiatives.
Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) By tracking supplier practices, ensuring ethical standards, and fostering transparency, companies can uphold social responsibility through effective supplier management.
Supply Chain Transparency By revealing sources and practices, it ensures companies act ethically and transparently in their operations, promoting social and environmental responsibility.
Sustainability Assessment Frameworks By evaluating environmental and social impacts, it guides companies in making ethical decisions and operating sustainably, aligning with societal and environmental values.
Sustainability and Circular Economy Model This model helps companies act responsibly and contribute positively to society and the environment.
Sweet Spot Sweet Spot facilitates the integration of ethical practices and community initiatives within a company's operations, fostering positive social and environmental impacts.
Systematic Analysis By examining processes thoroughly, it ensures companies act responsibly towards society and the environment.
Systematic Approach to Management By following a structured process, companies can effectively integrate ethical practices into their operations and contribute positively to society.
TOWS Matrix The TOWS Matrix helps companies analyze how to balance profits with positive impacts on society and the environment.
Three Horizons of Growth The approach helps companies integrate ethical practices into their operations, fostering positive social and environmental impacts.
Three Levels of Business Models By structuring business strategies, it guides companies in integrating ethical practices and sustainability efforts into their operations effectively.
Three Tiers of Non-Customers Identifying and engaging with new groups who are not current customers can help companies effectively promote social and environmental initiatives.
Total Quality Management (TQM) Total Quality Management ensures companies act responsibly towards society by integrating ethical practices into all aspects of their operations.
Triple Bottom Line By considering profits, people, and the planet, companies can make decisions that benefit society and the environment alongside their financial goals.
VMOST Analysis VMOST Analysis helps companies integrate ethical practices into their operations effectively and sustainably.
Value Concept and Relationship Management This system helps companies carry out ethical practices and contribute positively to society.
Value Curve Analysis Value Curve Analysis helps companies understand how to improve their impact on society and the environment, guiding them to make more socially responsible decisions.
Value Net Model The Value Net Model helps companies integrate ethical practices into their operations, fostering positive impacts on society and the environment.
Value Proposition Canvas The Value Proposition Canvas helps companies define how they create positive impacts on society and the environment.
Value-Based Pricing By setting prices based on the perceived value of products, companies can support social causes and ethical practices, aligning with CSR goals.
Wardley Maps It visually organizes steps for businesses to integrate ethical practices into their operations effectively.
Workplace Wellness Programs Promoting employee health and community involvement aligns with company values, demonstrating commitment to social and environmental causes.
X-Matrix The X-Matrix helps companies effectively integrate ethical practices into their operations, ensuring they contribute positively to society and the environment.
Zero-Based Budgeting (ZBB) Zero-Based Budgeting ensures funds allocated directly align with social and environmental initiatives, fostering corporate responsibility and sustainability practices effectively.