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Job to be Done / Embrace remote work and virtual collaboration


If you are wanting to adopt remote work policies and leverage virtual collaboration tools to enable flexible work arrangements, enhance productivity, and attract top talent in a digital age then the tools below could be useful. You can also look for tools to get other jobs done.

Tool How it gets the job done
5 Step Process for Turnaround Management This structured approach guides teams to transition smoothly to working from anywhere, fostering effective communication and collaboration in a virtual environment.
6 Market Dynamics This approach helps teams work together effectively from different locations, ensuring smooth communication and collaboration in a virtual environment.
ASL Matrix This system organizes communication and tasks efficiently, enabling seamless teamwork and connection regardless of physical location.
Adizes' Corporate Lifecycle This approach helps companies adapt to working from anywhere by guiding them through different stages of growth and change.
Affinity Diagrams By organizing ideas into groups based on similarities, it helps teams work together effectively from different locations.
Agile Organization Design By adapting quickly and structuring work effectively, teams can seamlessly collaborate and work together from different locations.
Agile Portfolio Management This approach helps teams work together effectively from different locations, ensuring projects progress smoothly in a virtual environment.
Agile Transformation Model The Agile Transformation Model helps teams adapt to working together online, fostering effective communication and collaboration in virtual environments.
Appreciative Inquiry By focusing on strengths and positive aspects, it helps teams adapt and work effectively together from different locations.
Available Market This solution connects people working from different locations effectively, enabling seamless communication and collaboration regardless of physical distance.
BEANE Test for Product Adoption The BEANE Test assesses readiness and effectiveness in adapting to working from anywhere, enhancing teamwork and communication in a digital environment.
Backcasting By envisioning future goals first, it helps plan steps backward to make remote work and virtual collaboration successful.
Bain Business Unit Strategy This approach helps teams work together effectively from different locations, ensuring everyone can contribute and collaborate seamlessly.
Barriers to Adoption Identifying and addressing challenges that prevent people from working together online effectively.
Benchmarking Benchmarking compares remote work practices to industry standards, identifying areas for improvement and implementing strategies for effective virtual collaboration.
Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) Setting an ambitious target encourages teams to work together effectively from different locations using digital tools and communication platforms.
Blitzscaling By rapidly expanding operations, companies adapt to working remotely and collaborating virtually to increase efficiency and reach a wider talent pool.
Blockchain Strategy Map This system organizes tasks and communication online, enabling teams to work together effectively from different locations.
Blueprint for Growth This solution helps teams work together effectively from anywhere, making it easy to collaborate virtually and thrive in remote work environments.
Business Ecosystem Modeling Tool This system helps companies adapt to working from anywhere by mapping out connections and interactions between different parts of the business.
Business Motivation Model The framework helps organizations adapt to working from anywhere by aligning goals, strategies, and resources effectively for remote teamwork and digital cooperation.
Business Process Reengineering By redesigning how work is done, it enables teams to efficiently collaborate and operate from different locations, supporting remote work seamlessly.
Business model scalability By expanding and adapting the way a company operates, it can effectively support employees working from anywhere and collaborating online.
Calculated risks By carefully considering potential outcomes, this approach effectively supports working from anywhere and collaborating online.
Capacity Planning Tools This tool helps teams adjust workloads and resources to support working from anywhere and collaborating online effectively.
Catchball Process By passing ideas back and forth between team members, everyone can contribute and work together effectively, even when not physically present.
Cause and Effect Analysis By identifying root causes and their impacts, it helps understand how to improve remote work and collaboration effectively.
Change Management Change Management facilitates adapting to working from anywhere by guiding teams through transitions and fostering effective communication and collaboration in virtual environments.
Co-opetition Co-opetition fosters cooperation among competitors to enhance teamwork and communication, enabling effective remote work and virtual collaboration.
Communication Systems Communication Systems facilitate seamless interaction and teamwork across distances, enabling effective remote work and virtual collaboration.
Competitive Scenario Planning This approach helps teams adapt to working from anywhere by preparing for different business challenges and fostering effective teamwork online.
Congruence Model The model helps align all aspects of work to support effective communication and teamwork from anywhere, ensuring a smooth transition to remote collaboration.
Contingency Planning Developing backup strategies ensures smooth operations when unexpected events occur, enabling seamless remote work and effective virtual teamwork.
Continuous Improvement By consistently making things better, teams can effectively adapt to working from anywhere and collaborating online.
Critical Question Analysis This approach helps teams communicate effectively and solve problems together, even when working from different locations.
Critical Success Factors Identifying key elements for successful remote work ensures teams effectively collaborate and achieve goals in virtual environments.
Cross-Border E-commerce Strategy This strategy helps teams work together from different locations, making it easier to collaborate and get things done efficiently.
Cross-Cultural Competence Development This approach helps individuals understand and work effectively with diverse colleagues in virtual settings, fostering successful remote collaboration.
Cross-Industry Innovation By adapting successful ideas from different fields, it helps teams work together effectively from anywhere, making remote work and virtual collaboration seamless.
Culture Map This tool visually organizes team dynamics and communication preferences to support effective teamwork in virtual environments.
Culture Mapping By visualizing team dynamics and communication styles, it helps teams adapt to working together effectively from different locations.
Customer Experience Mapping By visualizing customer interactions, it helps teams understand how to adapt to working together online effectively.
Cynefin Framework It helps understand different situations to navigate working together from afar effectively.
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) Strategy Utilizing a system that operates independently helps teams effectively work together from different locations, fostering remote collaboration seamlessly.
Decision Matrix A structured way to compare options helps teams work together effectively from different locations.
Deloitte's Growth Framework This framework helps teams effectively work together from different locations using technology and communication strategies.
Delta Model The system helps teams work together from different locations by organizing tasks and communication effectively, making remote collaboration seamless and productive.
Deming's 14-Point Philosophy By focusing on continuous improvement and fostering effective communication, teams can successfully adapt to working remotely and collaborating virtually.
Deming's Five Diseases of Management By addressing common management issues, it helps teams effectively work together from different locations using digital tools and communication methods.
Design Thinking By focusing on understanding user needs and iterating solutions, it helps teams adapt to working together online effectively.
Diamond Model The structure helps teams work together from different locations by focusing on communication, resources, goals, and roles.
Diffusion of Innovations Curve This model helps people adopt new ways of working together from anywhere, making it easier for teams to collaborate virtually.
Digital Maturity Model This framework assesses and guides organizations in adapting to and optimizing virtual work environments effectively.
Digital Transformation Roadmap It outlines steps for adapting to working from anywhere and collaborating online effectively.
Digital Transformation Strategy By outlining new ways of working online, it helps teams adapt to working from anywhere and collaborating virtually.
Disaster Recovery Plan In case of emergencies, a structured strategy ensures seamless operations and communication for working from anywhere.
Diversification By spreading out different tasks and ways of working, it helps teams adapt to working from anywhere and collaborating online effectively.
Dynamic Capabilities Assessment Assessing adaptability and readiness for modern work setups to enhance teamwork and productivity in virtual environments.
Dynamic Capabilities Framework This framework helps companies adapt to working from anywhere by enhancing their ability to collaborate virtually and manage remote teams effectively.
Economies of Scope By combining different tasks under one umbrella, it efficiently supports working from anywhere and collaborating virtually.
Efficiency and sustainability tradeoff Balancing productivity and eco-friendliness to support working from anywhere and collaborating online effectively.
Efficiency of Scale By streamlining tasks for large groups, it enables teams to effectively work together from different locations using digital platforms.
Emotional Intelligence Understanding and managing feelings effectively helps individuals connect and work well together, even when not physically present.
Employee Branding Framework This framework helps employees feel connected and valued while working from different locations, fostering effective teamwork and communication.
Employee Empowerment By granting autonomy and trust, individuals can effectively work together from different locations using digital platforms.
Employee Productivity Improvement Programs This program helps employees work effectively from anywhere, connecting and collaborating virtually to boost productivity and teamwork.
Employee Retention Strategies This strategy helps companies keep employees engaged and connected while working from different locations using digital communication and team-building activities.
Employee Well-Being Initiatives By promoting mental health support and fostering team connections, it enables employees to thrive in virtual work environments and collaborate effectively from anywhere.
Employer Branding Creating a positive image for a company helps attract and retain employees who can work from anywhere and collaborate online effectively.
ExO (Exponential Organization) Attributes ExO Attributes facilitate effective teamwork and communication from anywhere, supporting a seamless transition to remote work and virtual collaboration.
Familiarity Matrix The system helps team members understand each other better, making it easier to work together from different locations using technology.
Ferguson's Formula This formula helps teams effectively communicate and work together from different locations using digital platforms and virtual meetings.
Five Elements of Strategy This approach helps organizations adapt to working from anywhere by outlining key components for successful remote teamwork and communication.
Four Pillars of Long Term Value The approach ensures sustained success by supporting teamwork and communication across distances, enabling effective remote work and virtual collaboration.
Four Steps to a Conscious Business This approach guides teams to effectively work together from different locations using clear communication and shared goals.
Future Back Thinking By envisioning the future first, it helps teams adapt to working from anywhere and collaborating online effectively.
Futures Wheel The technique helps explore future possibilities and identify potential impacts of working from anywhere with digital teamwork.
GAP Analysis Identifying differences between current and desired work setups to improve remote teamwork and online cooperation effectively.
GROW Model The framework helps individuals set goals, explore options, make decisions, and take action effectively in virtual work environments.
General Electric Matrix The framework helps identify tasks suitable for remote work and assesses team capabilities for effective virtual collaboration.
Global Talent Mobility Strategy This strategy helps people work from anywhere and collaborate online effectively.
Goals Grid The system helps organize tasks and communication for working together from different locations effectively.
Green Management Green Management facilitates seamless communication and teamwork across distances, enabling employees to work together effectively from anywhere.
HBR Stakeholder Analysis This approach helps identify key people involved and their needs for successful remote work and virtual teamwork.
HP's Turnaround Strategy HP's approach enhances working from anywhere by optimizing digital platforms and fostering teamwork across distances effectively.
Hambrick and Fredrickson's Strategy Diamond It helps define and align different aspects like arenas, vehicles, differentiators, staging, and economic logic to support remote work and virtual collaboration effectively.
Harvard Business School Services Model This model helps teams effectively work together from different locations using technology and communication strategies.
Hedgehog Concept The approach helps teams effectively work together from different locations using clear goals, focused efforts, and streamlined communication methods.
Heptalysis Heptalysis facilitates seamless communication and teamwork across distances, enabling individuals to work together effectively from anywhere in the world.
Holistic Health and Wellness Programs in Workplaces This program supports employees in staying healthy and connected while working from different locations, fostering a positive and collaborative virtual work environment.
Hoshin Planning System This system helps teams work together effectively from different locations by setting clear goals and aligning everyone's efforts towards achieving them.
Human Resource Strategy Map This visual plan helps HR teams support employees working from anywhere by outlining clear goals and strategies for effective virtual teamwork.
IIDC Strategic Tool This system effectively supports working from anywhere and collaborating online, enhancing team connectivity and productivity in virtual environments.
Innovation vs. Reaction This approach encourages adapting new ideas and being proactive in working together from different locations.
Interrelationship Digraph It helps understand connections and priorities for working together from different locations effectively.
Iterative Design and Feedback Tools This approach helps teams improve their work by continuously refining and receiving input, enabling effective teamwork from anywhere.
Jacobides' Business Strategy for a Shifting Landscape Jacobides' approach helps companies adapt to working from anywhere by fostering effective teamwork and communication in a digital environment.
Jobs to be Done Framework (JTBD) Understand what people need to accomplish while working from anywhere and improve how they collaborate virtually.
Judo Strategy This approach effectively supports working together from different locations using digital platforms and communication methods.
Just in Time Manufacturing By optimizing production schedules based on real-time demand, it enables teams to efficiently coordinate and communicate virtually, supporting remote work seamlessly.
Kaizen Improving small daily habits and fostering continuous communication enhances working together from different locations effectively.
Kanban Kanban visually organizes tasks, making it easy for remote teams to track progress and collaborate effectively from anywhere.
Kano Model The approach helps identify what features people love, like, expect, are indifferent to, or dislike in remote work and virtual collaboration.
Kay's Distinctive Capabilities Framework This framework helps teams effectively work together from different locations using tailored strengths and strategies for successful virtual collaboration.
Lafley & Martin's 5-Step Strategy Model This approach helps organizations adapt to working from anywhere by outlining clear steps for effective communication and teamwork in a digital environment.
Leadership team The group in charge of guiding the company ensures everyone can work together effectively from different locations using technology.
Lean Canvas Model The structured framework helps organize ideas and plans for working together from different locations efficiently and effectively.
Lean Manufacturing Tool By streamlining processes and optimizing workflows, it enables teams to effectively work together from different locations using digital platforms.
Lean Startup Methodology By focusing on quick feedback and adapting swiftly, it enables teams to effectively work together from different locations using digital tools.
Lewin's Change Management Model By guiding through unfreezing, changing, and refreezing, it helps teams adapt smoothly to working remotely and collaborating virtually.
MECE Framework Organizing tasks into clear categories ensures all aspects of remote work and collaboration are covered without overlap or gaps, promoting efficiency and clarity.
MacMillan Matrix The system helps organize tasks and communication for working together from different locations, making it easier to collaborate virtually.
Market dominance By understanding and leading in the market, companies can effectively adapt to remote work and collaborate virtually with their teams.
McKinsey's 7S Framework This framework helps companies adapt smoothly to working from anywhere by aligning their structure, strategy, systems, skills, staff, style, and shared values.
McKinsey's Seven Degrees of Freedom for Growth This approach helps organizations adapt to working from anywhere by providing a structured framework for growth and innovation in a virtual environment.
McKinsey's Three Horizons of Growth Helps companies adapt to new ways of working by planning for current, emerging, and future needs in a structured and forward-thinking manner.
Mobile Food Vendor Component Analysis This analysis helps remote teams work together effectively by evaluating mobile food vendors' components for seamless virtual collaboration.
NUDGE Theory By gently guiding behaviors, it encourages people to work effectively together from different locations using digital platforms.
Narrative Strategy Framework This framework helps teams effectively communicate and work together from different locations using storytelling and strategic planning techniques.
Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) OKRs help teams set clear goals and track progress, fostering effective communication and teamwork in virtual work environments.
Ohmae's 3C Model This approach helps teams connect, communicate, and coordinate effectively from different locations, fostering seamless remote work and virtual collaboration.
Open Market Innovation By connecting people online, it enables teams to work together from anywhere, fostering a culture of collaboration and productivity in a virtual environment.
Options Matrix Tool This tool helps organize preferences and decisions for working together from different locations effectively.
Organization Design Principles This approach helps structure how teams work together from different locations effectively and efficiently.
Osterwalder’s Business Model Environment This framework helps organizations adapt to working from anywhere by outlining how they create value and operate effectively in a digital world.
Outsourcing Decision Matrix This decision-making framework helps assess tasks suitable for external support, enabling teams to work together effectively from different locations.
PEST and PESTEL Analysis By examining external factors like politics, economy, society, technology, environment, and legal aspects, it helps adapt to remote work and virtual collaboration effectively.
Pareto Analysis (The 80/20 Rule) Identifying key tasks and focusing efforts on them maximizes productivity for remote teams, streamlining collaboration and achieving goals effectively.
Pentagon and Triangle This solution helps teams work together from different locations effectively and efficiently.
Performance Prism This approach helps teams effectively work together from different locations using clear goals and regular communication.
Platform Canvas Platform Canvas facilitates seamless communication and teamwork across distances, enabling individuals to work together effectively from anywhere in the world.
Platform Ecosystem Strategy By creating a structured environment that connects people and resources online, it enables seamless communication and teamwork from anywhere.
Platformization Strategy This strategy helps create a digital environment for teams to work together seamlessly from different locations.
Playscripting Playscripting helps teams work together from different locations using shared online scripts and resources.
Policy Deployment By setting clear guidelines and expectations, it helps teams effectively work together from different locations using digital platforms.
Practical Business Planning This system helps teams work together from anywhere by organizing tasks, setting goals, and tracking progress effectively, fostering seamless remote collaboration.
Privacy-by-Design Framework The framework ensures that working from anywhere is secure and collaborative, protecting privacy while enabling effective remote teamwork.
Product Market Expansion Grid The framework helps identify new ways to reach more people and work together online effectively.
Pyramid of Organisational Development The structure helps companies adapt to working from anywhere by fostering teamwork and communication through clear processes and technology.
Pyramid of Purpose The structure helps individuals and teams effectively connect and work together from different locations using digital platforms and communication tools.
RACI Matrix (responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed) The RACI Matrix clarifies roles, ensures tasks are completed, and keeps everyone informed, supporting effective teamwork in virtual environments.
Rapid Prototyping Tools Rapid prototyping helps teams work together effectively from different locations by creating and sharing virtual models for collaborative feedback and decision-making.
Rapid growth This approach helps teams adapt to working together from different locations using technology and communication strategies to enhance productivity and teamwork.
Remote Team Success Framework This framework helps teams thrive while working apart, fostering effective communication and collaboration in virtual settings.
Remote Work Efficacy Model This model helps individuals and teams work effectively together from different locations using technology and communication strategies.
Resilience Strategy Framework The framework helps teams adapt to working from anywhere by providing strategies for effective communication and collaboration online.
Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) Assigning tasks clearly to team members ensures everyone knows what they're responsible for, making it easier to work together from different locations.
Responsibility Matrices Responsibility Matrices help define who does what, ensuring clarity and accountability in remote teamwork, making collaboration seamless and effective.
Responsibility-Centered Discipline This approach helps individuals take ownership of their actions and communicate effectively in online settings, fostering a positive remote work culture.
Rethinking Matrix Organization This approach helps teams work together effectively from different locations by restructuring how they are organized and how they communicate.
Risk Management Framework By identifying and addressing potential risks, it enables smooth and secure operations for working remotely and collaborating virtually.
Root Cause Analysis Identifying underlying issues to improve remote work and collaboration by understanding and addressing core problems effectively and specifically.
SCRUM framework By breaking tasks into small steps and holding frequent meetings, teams can effectively work together from different locations.
SOAR Analysis SOAR Analysis helps understand strengths, opportunities, aspirations, and results, guiding effective strategies for successful remote work and virtual teamwork.
SWOT Analysis Identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats helps adapt to working remotely and collaborating virtually effectively.
Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) SAFe helps teams work together effectively from different locations using digital tools and structured communication methods.
Scaling Strategies Helps teams adapt to working from anywhere by developing plans to grow and adjust operations for effective teamwork and communication in virtual environments.
Scenario Planning By envisioning various future situations, it helps teams adapt to working from anywhere and collaborating online effectively.
Simplex Process The system efficiently enables teams to work together seamlessly from different locations, fostering effective communication and collaboration in a virtual environment.
Smarter Startup This solution enables teams to work together effectively from different locations, fostering seamless communication and collaboration in a virtual environment.
Social Return on Investment (SROI) By evaluating impacts, it helps understand benefits of working from anywhere, improving teamwork and communication virtually.
Stakeholder Mapping Tools This tool helps identify and connect with people from different locations to work together effectively online.
Strategic Agility By adapting quickly and flexibly, it enables teams to effectively work together from different locations using digital platforms and communication tools.
Strategic Alliances By forming partnerships with other companies, it becomes easier to work together from different locations using technology.
Strategic Consistency Triangle This framework ensures that working from anywhere and collaborating online are consistently integrated into the overall strategy.
Strategic Horizons This approach helps teams effectively work together from different locations using digital platforms and communication strategies.
Strategic Resilience PlanningStrategic Scenario Planning By envisioning potential future situations, it helps organizations adapt to working from anywhere and collaborating online effectively.
Superhero Strategy This approach effectively supports working together from different locations using digital platforms and communication tools.
Sustainability and Circular Economy Model This model supports working from anywhere by promoting eco-friendly practices and reusing resources efficiently.
Sweet Spot This solution effectively connects and engages individuals working from different locations, fostering seamless teamwork and communication in a virtual environment.
Systematic Analysis By carefully examining and organizing information, it helps teams effectively work together from different locations using digital platforms.
Systematic Approach to Management By organizing tasks and communication effectively, it enables teams to seamlessly work together from different locations, fostering a strong remote work culture.
TOWS Matrix The TOWS Matrix helps identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to adapt to working remotely and collaborating virtually effectively.
Tactical Business Planning This approach helps companies adapt to working from anywhere by creating detailed strategies for effective teamwork and communication in virtual environments.
Technology Roadmap A detailed plan outlining steps for using digital solutions to support working from anywhere and collaborating online effectively.
Theory of Constraints (TOC) Identifying and removing bottlenecks to improve efficiency and communication in virtual work setups.
Three Horizons of Growth The framework helps organizations adapt to new ways of working and connecting virtually, fostering innovation and growth in remote collaboration practices.
Three Levels of Business Models This framework helps businesses adapt to working from anywhere by outlining strategies for effective online teamwork and communication.
Three Tiers of Non-Customers Identifying different groups of people not currently using your services can help adapt to working from anywhere effectively.
Total Quality Management (TQM) TQM ensures efficient communication and teamwork across distances, enabling seamless remote work and effective virtual collaboration.
Triple Bottom Line The approach focuses on balancing profit, people, and the planet to support working from anywhere and collaborating online effectively.
Using the Greiner Curve The Greiner Curve helps teams adapt to working together from different locations by guiding them through challenges and fostering effective communication and collaboration.
VMOST Analysis VMOST Analysis helps identify priorities, align goals, and plan strategies for effective remote work and virtual collaboration.
Value Curve Analysis Value Curve Analysis helps identify ways to improve working together from different locations efficiently and effectively.
Value Net Model The Value Net Model helps teams work together from anywhere, making it easier to collaborate and get things done virtually.
Value-Based Pricing By setting prices based on the unique benefits a product offers, companies can effectively adapt to remote work and collaborate virtually.
Wardley Maps Wardley Maps help visualize and plan for working together online from different locations effectively.
Workplace Wellness Programs This program supports employees' health and connection while working from anywhere, fostering teamwork and productivity in virtual settings.
X-Matrix The X-Matrix helps teams work together from different locations by organizing goals, strategies, and actions in a clear and collaborative way.