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Job to be Done / Develop governance frameworks


If you are wanting to create and implement governance frameworks to ensure accountability, transparency, and effective decision-making within the organization then the tools below could be useful. You can also look for tools to get other jobs done.

Tool How it gets the job done
5 Step Process for Turnaround Management This process guides in creating structures to ensure organizations are well-managed and operate effectively.
6 Market Dynamics 6 Market Dynamics effectively establishes rules and structures for organizations to operate smoothly and make informed decisions.
AI Maturity Model The AI Maturity Model helps create rules and structures for managing AI processes effectively.
ASL Matrix ASL Matrix helps create rules and structures for organizations to make decisions effectively and follow guidelines consistently.
Achieving Economics of Scale By streamlining operations and increasing efficiency, it establishes guidelines for decision-making and structure within an organization.
Adizes' Corporate Lifecycle Adizes helps establish rules and structures for companies to grow and operate smoothly.
Agile Organization Design This approach helps create rules and structures for how a company should make decisions and operate effectively.
Agile Portfolio Management This system helps create rules and structures to guide project decision-making effectively and ensure everything stays on track.
Agile Transformation Model The process helps create rules and structures for managing changes in a flexible and efficient manner.
Available Market It helps create rules for how a company should be run.
BEANE Test for Product Adoption The BEANE Test helps create rules and structures for how new products are used in a company.
Backcasting By envisioning future goals first, it helps create structured rules and guidelines for decision-making processes.
Bain Business Unit Strategy Bain Business Unit Strategy helps create structured rules for decision-making within a company to ensure smooth operations and accountability.
Balanced Scorecard The Balanced Scorecard helps create structures for managing and improving how organizations make decisions and set goals.
Barriers to Adoption Identifying obstacles helps create rules for how things should be done.
Benchmarking Comparing practices to set up rules for how things are done helps create structures for managing organizations effectively.
Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) Setting a challenging long-term target helps establish rules and structures for decision-making and accountability within an organization.
Blitzscaling Blitzscaling helps create rules and structures for managing growth and decision-making within a company.
Blockchain Business Model Canvas The framework helps create rules and structures for managing and making decisions within a business using blockchain technology.
Blockchain Strategy Map The 'Blockchain Strategy Map' organizes rules and structures for decision-making processes in a clear and secure way.
Blockchain for Supply Chain Transparency Blockchain technology ensures clear rules and structures are in place to manage and oversee supply chain operations effectively.
Blue Ocean Four Action Framework The framework helps create rules and structures for decision-making and control within an organization.
Blueprint for Growth This system creates structured rules to guide decision-making processes within an organization, ensuring smooth operations and strategic growth planning.
Boston Matrix The matrix helps organize things based on importance and growth potential, guiding how to manage and make decisions effectively for long-term success in governance.
Bowman's Strategy Clock It helps in creating structures for decision-making and setting guidelines for how a company should operate effectively and ethically.
Business Ecosystem Modeling Tool This tool helps create rules for how businesses work together effectively.
Business Motivation Model The Business Motivation Model helps create rules and structures for how a company should be managed and run effectively.
Business Process Reengineering Business Process Reengineering helps create rules and structures for how a company should be managed and run effectively.
Business model scalability This approach helps create rules and structures for growing and managing a business effectively.
Buy-Sell Hierarchy The hierarchy structure helps create rules for decision-making processes within organizations.
Calculated risks By analyzing potential outcomes carefully, it helps create structured guidelines for decision-making processes within organizations.
Capacity Planning Tools Capacity Planning Tools help create rules and structures for managing resources effectively and ensuring smooth operations within an organization.
Catchball Process Catchball Process involves collaborative discussions to create rules and structures for decision-making within an organization.
Cause and Effect Analysis By identifying root causes and their impacts, it helps create structures for decision-making and accountability within organizations.
Change Management Change Management ensures that rules and structures are in place for effective decision-making and accountability within an organization.
Co-opetition Co-opetition involves collaborating and competing simultaneously to create effective rules and structures for organizations to operate smoothly and fairly.
Competitive Scenario Planning By analyzing market competition, it helps create rules for decision-making within a company.
Compliance Management Systems This system ensures rules are followed and structures are created for effective decision-making and accountability within an organization.
Congruence Model The Congruence Model helps create rules and structures for organizations to work effectively and make decisions.
Contingency Planning Contingency Planning helps create rules and structures for managing unexpected events effectively.
Continuous Improvement By consistently making things better, it establishes rules and structures for how things are managed and controlled.
Corporate Governance Corporate Governance ensures clear rules and structures are in place for companies to make decisions effectively and responsibly.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Framework The CSR Framework helps create rules for how a company should be run.
Crisis Management In times of trouble, it establishes rules and structures to guide decision-making and actions.
Critical Question Analysis This approach helps create rules and structures for organizations to make important decisions effectively and with accountability.
Critical Success Factors Identifying key elements for success ensures effective rules and structures are in place for smooth operations and decision-making processes within an organization.
Cross-Border E-commerce Strategy This strategy helps create rules and structures for managing international online sales effectively.
Cross-Cultural Competence Development By understanding different cultures, it helps create effective rules and structures for organizations to operate successfully across various cultural backgrounds.
Cross-Industry Innovation By exploring ideas from different fields, it establishes rules and structures to guide decision-making and actions within organizations.
Customer Experience Mapping Understanding customer interactions helps create rules for decision-making.
Customer-Driven Innovation By understanding what customers want, we can create rules and structures to guide decision-making effectively.
Cynefin Framework Cynefin Framework helps create structured systems for decision-making and organizing responsibilities effectively in various situations.
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) Strategy DAOs help create rules for decision-making in organizations without central control, ensuring fair and transparent governance structures are established.
Decision Matrix A structured system for evaluating options to create rules and structures for organizations to operate effectively and make decisions.
Deloitte's Growth Framework Deloitte's approach helps create rules and structures for organizations to grow effectively and manage their operations efficiently.
Delta Model The Delta Model helps create rules and structures for managing and guiding organizations effectively.
Deming's 14-Point Philosophy Deming's approach guides organizations in creating structured systems to manage operations effectively and ensure accountability and compliance.
Deming's Five Diseases of Management Deming's principles help establish rules for how organizations should be run effectively and ethically.
Design Thinking Design Thinking helps create structured rules and guidelines for decision-making processes within organizations.
Diamond Model The Diamond Model helps create rules and structures for organizations to make decisions effectively and responsibly.
Diffusion of Innovations Curve The curve helps create rules for new ideas to spread and be managed effectively in organizations.
Digital Ethics Frameworks Digital Ethics Frameworks help create rules and guidelines for managing and controlling how things are done in the digital world.
Digital Maturity Model The system helps create rules and structures for managing digital growth effectively.
Digital Transformation Roadmap The roadmap guides in creating rules and structures for managing changes in the digital landscape effectively.
Digital Transformation Strategy By creating rules and structures, it guides how companies should operate in the digital world.
Digital Trust Framework The system ensures clear rules and structures are in place for managing and guiding organizational decisions effectively.
Disaster Recovery Plan In preparing for emergencies, it establishes rules and structures to guide decision-making and actions during unexpected events.
Diversification Diversifying approaches ensures creating structured rules for organizations to operate effectively and responsibly.
Drucker's Seven Sources of Innovation By identifying diverse sources of innovation, it helps create structured guidelines for managing and improving organizational processes and decision-making.
Dynamic Capabilities Assessment Assessing adaptability and strategic planning to create effective organizational structures for decision-making and control.
Dynamic Capabilities Framework This framework helps create rules and structures for managing how a company grows and adapts to changes effectively.
Early Warning Scans Identifying potential issues in advance to create rules and structures for decision-making and control.
Economies of Scale By increasing production, costs decrease, allowing for better organization and decision-making structures to be established within a company.
Economies of Scope By combining different tasks efficiently, it helps create rules and structures for organizations to work smoothly and make decisions effectively.
Ecosystem Strategy Framework The framework helps create rules and structures for managing ecosystems effectively.
Efficiency and sustainability tradeoff Balancing between effectiveness and eco-friendliness to create structured rules for decision-making processes.
Efficiency of Scale By streamlining operations and resources, it helps create structured guidelines for managing and overseeing organizational activities effectively.
Emotional Intelligence Understanding and managing emotions effectively to create structured guidelines for decision-making and behavior in organizations.
Employee Empowerment By giving employees more decision-making power, it establishes rules and structures for how the company is managed.
Employer Branding Employer Branding helps create rules and structures for organizations to follow.
Ethics Canvas The Ethics Canvas helps create rules and structures for making fair and responsible decisions in organizations.
ExO (Exponential Organization) Attributes ExO Attributes help create rules and structures for organizations to grow efficiently and make decisions effectively.
Familiarity Matrix The chart helps create rules and structures for organizations to follow consistently and effectively.
Ferguson's Formula Ferguson's Formula helps create rules and structures for managing organizations effectively.
Five Elements of Strategy The framework helps create rules and structures for decision-making processes within an organization.
Four Pillars of Long Term Value The framework ensures clear rules and structures are in place for effective decision-making and oversight within organizations.
Four Steps to a Conscious Business This approach guides creating rules and structures for how a business is run, ensuring decisions are made effectively and responsibilities are clear.
Future Back Thinking By envisioning future goals first, it establishes rules and structures for organizations to follow and succeed in their operations.
Futures Wheel The process helps map out future possibilities and plan rules for organizations.
GAP Analysis Identifying and addressing missing elements to create effective rules and structures for organizations.
General Electric Matrix The framework helps organize responsibilities and decision-making structures for effective management and decision-making processes within an organization.
Global Talent Mobility Strategy This strategy establishes rules and structures to guide how talent moves within a company, ensuring smooth operations and compliance.
Goals Grid The system helps create rules and structures for organizations to work effectively and make decisions.
Green Management Green Management effectively establishes rules and structures to guide decision-making processes within an organization.
HBR Stakeholder Analysis This approach helps identify key people involved in decision-making to create effective structures for managing organizations.
HP's Turnaround Strategy HP's approach outlines clear rules and structures to ensure smooth operations and decision-making within the organization.
Hambrick and Fredrickson's Strategy Diamond This framework helps create structures for decision-making and oversight within organizations.
Harvard Business School Services Model This model helps create rules and structures for how a business should be managed and run effectively.
Hedgehog Concept The approach helps create rules and structures for organizations to work effectively and make decisions confidently.
Heptalysis Heptalysis helps create structured rules for managing organizations effectively and ensuring everyone follows the same guidelines.
Hoshin Planning System Hoshin Planning System helps create structures for decision-making and setting goals to ensure effective management and strategic direction within organizations.
IIDC Strategic Tool The IIDC Strategic Tool helps create structures for decision-making and rules to guide how organizations operate effectively.
Innovation Circle This approach helps create rules and structures for managing new ideas effectively.
Innovation Management Platforms Innovation Management Platforms help create rules and structures for decision-making and control within organizations.
Innovation Pyramid The structure helps create rules for how new ideas are managed and controlled within an organization.
Innovation Radar The system helps create rules and structures for managing new ideas effectively.
Innovation prioritization Helps create rules and structures for managing new ideas effectively.
Innovation vs. Reaction This approach helps create structured rules for decision-making and setting boundaries within an organization to ensure smooth operations and compliance.
Integrated Reporting Framework The framework helps establish rules and structures for decision-making and oversight within organizations.
Interrelationship Digraph This technique helps map out connections to create effective rules and structures for organizations to operate smoothly and make decisions confidently.
Iterative Design and Feedback Tools This approach helps create structured rules and guidelines through continuous improvement based on user input and testing.
Jacobides' Business Strategy for a Shifting Landscape Jacobides' approach helps create structured systems for decision-making and control within organizations to ensure effective management and compliance with regulations.
Judo Strategy Judo Strategy helps create rules and structures for organizations to work effectively and make decisions.
Just in Time Manufacturing Just in Time Manufacturing helps create rules and structures for how things are managed and controlled efficiently.
Kaizen Kaizen helps create structured rules and guidelines for managing and improving work processes effectively.
Kanban Kanban helps organize and manage rules and structures for better decision-making and accountability in projects.
Kano Model The Kano Model helps create rules and structures for how things should be managed and controlled effectively.
Kay's Distinctive Capabilities Framework This framework helps create rules and structures for organizations to operate effectively and make important decisions.
Kernel of Strategy The 'Kernel of Strategy' helps create rules and structures for organizations to make decisions effectively and run smoothly.
Lafley & Martin's 5-Step Strategy Model This approach guides creating rules for decision-making and structure to ensure effective leadership and decision-making processes within an organization.
Leadership team A group of top decision-makers creates rules and structures to guide how things are done.
Lean Manufacturing Tool Lean Manufacturing principles help create structured rules for decision-making and accountability within an organization.
Lean Startup Methodology Lean Startup Methodology helps create rules for decision-making and structure for managing activities effectively and responsibly.
Lewin's Change Management Model Lewin's approach helps create structured rules for managing changes in organizations effectively.
MECE Framework The MECE Framework helps create clear rules for how things should be done in an organized and effective way.
MacMillan Matrix The system organizes rules and structures to guide decision-making processes effectively within organizations.
Market Gap Analysis Market Gap Analysis helps create rules and structures for organizations to follow.
Market dominance Understanding and leading in the market helps create rules and structures for better decision-making and control within organizations.
Market share capture By analyzing how much of the market a company has, it helps create rules and structures for better decision-making and control within the organization.
McKinsey's 7S Framework This framework helps establish structures and guidelines for effective decision-making within organizations.
McKinsey's Seven Degrees of Freedom for Growth This approach helps create structures for decision-making and control within organizations to support growth strategies effectively.
McKinsey's Ten Timeless Tests of Strategy This framework helps create structures for decision-making processes in organizations.
McKinsey's Three Horizons of Growth This approach helps create structures for managing different types of projects and ensuring they align with long-term goals.
Miles and Snow's Organizational Strategies Miles and Snow's approach helps create rules and structures for how a company should be managed effectively.
Mintzberg's 5P's of Strategy Mintzberg's approach helps create rules and structures for organizations to make decisions effectively and steer towards their goals.
NIST Cybersecurity Framework The framework helps create rules and structures for managing cybersecurity effectively.
NUDGE Theory NUDGE Theory helps create rules and structures for organizations to work better together and make decisions effectively.
Narrative Strategy Framework The framework helps create rules and structures for how stories are used in decision-making processes.
New Service Development Model The process helps create rules and structures for managing new services effectively.
Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) OKRs help establish clear goals and metrics, ensuring effective structure and accountability within organizational strategies and operations.
Ohmae's 3C Model Ohmae's 3C Model helps create structures for managing and guiding organizations effectively.
Open Market Innovation Open Market Innovation helps create rules and structures for organizations to work effectively and make decisions.
Options Matrix Tool The Options Matrix helps create rules and structures for decision-making processes in organizations.
Organization Design Principles It establishes rules for how a company should be structured and run effectively.
Osterwalder’s Business Model Environment This framework helps create rules and structures for how a business should be managed and run effectively.
Outsourcing Decision Matrix The framework helps in creating rules for managing external work decisions effectively.
PEST and PESTEL Analysis PEST and PESTEL Analysis helps establish rules and structures for organizations to operate effectively and responsibly.
Pareto Analysis (The 80/20 Rule) Pareto Analysis helps prioritize key issues, focusing efforts where they have the most impact on establishing effective governance structures.
Partnership Evaluation Matrix The evaluation matrix helps create rules for working together effectively.
Penetration Pricing By setting low prices initially, a company can establish rules and structures to guide decision-making processes effectively.
Pentagon and Triangle This approach organizes rules and structures to guide decision-making processes effectively within organizations.
Performance Prism Performance Prism helps create structures for managing how organizations make decisions and operate effectively.
Platform Canvas Platform Canvas helps create rules and structures for managing organizations effectively.
Platform Ecosystem Strategy Platform Ecosystem Strategy helps create rules and structures for managing how different parts of a system work together effectively.
Platformization Strategy Platformization Strategy helps create rules and structures for managing how things are done in an organized and efficient way.
Playscripting Playscripting helps create rules and structures for organizations to follow.
Policy Deployment Policy Deployment helps create rules and structures to guide decision-making and ensure things are done correctly and consistently.
Policy Development Policy Development ensures clear rules and structures are created to guide decision-making processes within an organization.
Porter's Diamond Porter's Diamond helps create rules for how businesses are run effectively.
Practical Business Planning Practical Business Planning helps create rules and structures for how a business should be managed and run effectively.
Privacy Compliance and Strategy Model This model helps create rules and plans to manage how private information is handled within an organization.
Privacy-by-Design Framework The approach ensures creating rules for how to manage and control data privacy from the start, supporting the establishment of structured guidelines for governing data practices.
Product Diffusion Curve The curve helps create rules for how things spread widely and are managed effectively in organizations.
Product Life Cycle The stages of a product from creation to retirement help establish rules and structures for decision-making and oversight.
Product Market Expansion Grid The framework helps set rules for growing products in new markets, ensuring smooth operations and decision-making processes.
Product Opportunity Evaluation Matrix - Poem Matrix The Poem Matrix helps create rules and structures for managing projects effectively.
Product-Process Matrix The system helps create rules for how things are made and managed efficiently.
Pyramid of Organisational Development The structure helps create rules and guidelines for how a company should be managed and run effectively.
Pyramid of Purpose The structure helps create rules for how things are managed and decisions are made in an organized and effective way.
RACI Matrix (responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed) The RACI Matrix clarifies who is doing what and ensures everyone knows their role in decision-making processes.
Rapid growth Rapid growth helps create rules and structures for organizations to follow.
Reidenbach and Robin's Five Stages of Corporate Ethical Development It outlines steps for companies to create rules and structures for making fair and ethical decisions.
Resilience Strategy Framework The framework helps create rules and structures for managing challenges effectively.
Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) The Responsibility Assignment Matrix clearly outlines who is responsible for what tasks, ensuring everyone knows their role in governing a project.
Responsibility Matrices Responsibility Matrices help define who does what in a structured way, ensuring clear roles and responsibilities for effective governance framework development.
Responsible Sourcing Framework This framework establishes rules and structures to guide decision-making processes within organizations.
Rethinking Matrix Organization This approach helps create structured systems for decision-making within complex organizational structures.
Risk Management Identifying and addressing potential problems to create rules for how things should be done effectively and responsibly.
Risk Management Framework The process ensures clear rules and structures are in place to manage risks effectively and make informed decisions for the organization's overall governance.
Root Cause Analysis Identifying underlying issues helps create rules for better decision-making and problem-solving in organizations.
SCRUM framework SCRUM framework helps create rules and structures for managing projects effectively.
SOAR Analysis SOAR Analysis helps create rules and structures for organizations to work effectively and make decisions.
SWOT Analysis Identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats helps create rules and structures for better decision-making and problem-solving in organizations.
Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) SAFe structures rules for managing projects effectively and ensuring everyone follows the same guidelines for smooth operations.
Scaling Strategies Scaling Strategies help create rules and structures for managing growth effectively and ensuring everything runs smoothly.
Scenario Planning By envisioning different future situations, it helps create rules and structures for decision-making processes.
Simplex Process The process helps create rules and structures for organizations to work effectively and make decisions.
Six Step Profit Formula The Six Step Profit Formula helps create rules and structures for how a company should be managed and make decisions.
Skimming Pricing By setting initial high prices, it establishes rules and structures for decision-making processes within an organization.
Smarter Startup This solution helps create rules and structures for running a business smoothly and making important decisions.
Social Impact Measurement It assesses how well organizations are run to make sure they are doing good things for society.
Social Return on Investment (SROI) SROI helps create rules and structures for organizations to make decisions that benefit society and the environment.
Stakeholder Mapping Tools Stakeholder mapping helps create rules for how groups work together effectively.
Strategic Agility This approach helps create rules and structures for decision-making processes to ensure effective and adaptable organizational strategies are in place.
Strategic Alliances By forming partnerships with other organizations, it establishes rules and structures for decision-making and operations.
Strategic Consistency Triangle The framework ensures that rules are clear and followed consistently, guiding how decisions are made and actions are taken within an organization.
Strategic Horizons Strategic Horizons helps create rules and structures for decision-making processes within organizations.
Strategic Innovation Canvas The framework helps create rules and structures for making important decisions and guiding actions in a strategic and innovative way.
Strategic Resilience PlanningStrategic Scenario Planning This approach helps create structures for decision-making and rules to guide actions during uncertain times.
Supply Chain Transparency By revealing how products are made, it establishes rules for decision-making and ensures everything is done correctly.
Sustainability and Circular Economy Model This model helps create rules and structures for managing resources and waste effectively.
Sweet Spot Sweet Spot helps create rules and structures for managing how things are done in organizations.
Systematic Analysis By examining and organizing information in a structured way, it helps create rules and structures for managing how things are done in an organization.
Systematic Approach to Management It organizes and structures rules for effective decision-making and oversight processes within organizations.
TOWS Matrix The process helps create structured plans for managing and guiding organizations effectively.
Tactical Business Planning Tactical Business Planning helps create rules and structures for making important decisions in a business.
Technology Adoption Life Cycle The process helps establish rules and structures for managing new technologies effectively as they become more widely used.
Technology Life Cycle The process of understanding how technology evolves helps create rules for managing it effectively.
Technology Roadmap A plan showing steps to create rules and structures for managing technology effectively and responsibly.
Theory of Constraints (TOC) Identifying and resolving bottlenecks to create effective rules for managing organizations.
Three Horizons of Growth The approach helps establish rules and structures for growth planning and implementation.
Three Levels of Business Models This approach helps create rules and structures for how businesses operate effectively and responsibly.
Three Tiers of Non-Customers Identifying different groups of people not currently using a service helps create rules and structures for decision-making processes within an organization.
Top-Down Strategy By starting from the highest level and creating rules, Top-Down Strategy helps establish how things should be managed and controlled within an organization.
Total Quality Management (TQM) Total Quality Management ensures clear rules and structures are in place for effective decision-making and accountability within an organization.
Triple Bottom Line By considering social, environmental, and economic factors, it helps create structures for decision-making and accountability within organizations.
Turnaround Management This approach guides creating rules and structures for better decision-making and accountability during organizational change for smoother operations and improved outcomes.
Using the Greiner Curve The Greiner Curve helps create rules and structures for organizations to grow smoothly and manage challenges effectively.
VMOST Analysis VMOST Analysis helps create rules and structures for organizations to work effectively and make decisions.
VRIO Analysis VRIO Analysis helps create rules and structures for better decision-making and organization improvement.
Value Chain Analysis Value Chain Analysis helps create rules and structures for how things are managed and controlled within a company.
Value Curve Analysis By analyzing what's valuable and setting up rules, it helps create structures for decision-making and guiding how things are managed.
Value Net Model The Value Net Model helps create rules for how things should be done in a business.
Value Proposition Canvas The Value Proposition Canvas helps create rules and structures for decision-making and planning within an organization.
Value-Based Pricing By setting prices based on customer value, it establishes rules and structures for decision-making within an organization.
Wardley Maps Wardley Maps help create rules and structures for decision-making processes in organizations.
X-Matrix The X-Matrix helps create rules and structures for how things are managed and decisions are made within an organization.
Zero-Based Budgeting (ZBB) Zero-Based Budgeting ensures clear rules and structures are in place for managing finances effectively and making informed decisions within an organization.