Tools by Objective

Tools by Objective
Branding and Positioning
- 6 Steps to Developing a Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
- Brand Archetype Framework
- Brand Pyramid
- Creating a Distinct Value Proposition
- Employee Branding Framework
- Kapferer's Brand Identity Prism
- Keller's Brand Equity Model
- Mintzberg's 5P's of Strategy
- Narrative Strategy Framework
- Perceptual Mapping
- Positioning Map
- Price-Benefit Position Map
- Reputation Management Tools
- Strategic Narrative Marketing
Business Model Design
- Bain Business Unit Strategy
- Blockchain Business Model Canvas
- Business Model Canvas (BMC)
- Business model scalability
- ExO (Exponential Organization) Attributes
- Hambrick and Fredrickson's Strategy Diamond
- Hierarchies of Business Model Elements
- Lafley & Martin's 5-Step Strategy Model
- Lean Canvas Model
- Legal Lean Canvas Model
- McKinsey's Three Horizons of Growth
- Osterwalder’s Business Model Environment
- Platform Business Model Canvas
- Platform Canvas
- Three Levels of Business Models
- Triple Layered Business Model Canvas
- Change Management
Continuous Improvement
- 5S System
- Agile Organization Design
- Agile Portfolio Management
- Appreciative Inquiry
- Business Process Reengineering
- Cause and Effect Analysis
- Continuous Improvement
- Critical Question Analysis
- Critical to Quality (CTQ) Trees
- Crosby's 14 Steps for Improvement
- Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC)
- Deming's 14-Point Philosophy
- Deming's Five Diseases of Management
- Dynamic Capabilities Assessment
- Dynamic Capabilities Framework
- Employee Productivity Improvement Programs
- Ferguson's Formula
- Fishbone diagram
- Five Elements of Strategy
- Five Whys
- Gemba Walk
- Hoshin Planning System
- Iterative Design and Feedback Tools
- Jacobides' Business Strategy for a Shifting Landscape
- Judo Strategy
- Kaizen
- Kanban
- Lean Manufacturing Tool
- Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
- Operational Efficiency Audit
- Pareto Analysis (The 80/20 Rule)
- Policy Deployment
- Positive Deviance Framework
- Process Mapping Software
- Quality Management
- Root Cause Analysis
- SCRUM framework
- Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)
- Six Sigma
- Strategic Agility
- Systematic Approach to Management
- Theory of Constraints (TOC)
- Total Quality Management (TQM)
- Value Stream Mapping
- Zero Defects
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
- Crisis Response
Customer Experience Management
- Customer Experience Mapping
- Customer Journey Analytics
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Net Promoter Score (NPS)
- Neuroscience of Customer Engagement
- Neurosciences of Customer Engagement
- Online Reputation Management Tools
- RATER Model
- RFM Segmentation
- Social Media Listening and Engagement Tools
- Using Focus Groups
- Digital Transformation
Employee Development and Retention
- Cross-Cultural Competence Development
- Emotional Intelligence
- Employee Empowerment
- Employee Retention Strategies
- Employee Well-Being Initiatives
- Employer Branding
- GROW Model
- Global Talent Mobility Strategy
- Holistic Health and Wellness Programs in Workplaces
- Human Resource Strategy Map
- Leadership Development Programs
- Remote Team Success Framework
- Remote Work Efficacy Model
- Responsibility-Centered Discipline
- Talent Acquisition Frameworks
- Workplace Wellness Programs
Entry and Growth Strategies
- ADL Matrix
- Ansoff Matrix
- Blitzscaling
- Blue Ocean Strategy Canvas
- Blueprint for Growth
- CAGE Framework
- Classification of Market Entry Strategies Framework
- Cross-Border E-commerce Strategy
- Deloitte's Growth Framework
- Diversification
- EPG Model
- Economies of Scope
- Growth Hacking Frameworks
- MacMillan Matrix
- Market Entry Strategy Framework
- McKinsey's Seven Degrees of Freedom for Growth
- Options Matrix Tool
- Penetration Pricing
- Platformization Strategy
- Product Market Expansion Grid
- Rapid growth
- Scaling Strategies
- Smarter Startup
- Strategic Alliances
- TOWS Matrix
- Financial Management
Innovation and Product Development
- Affinity Diagrams
- BEANE Test for Product Adoption
- Backcasting
- Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG)
- Co-opetition
- Core Competence Analysis
- Cross-Industry Innovation
- Design Thinking
- Disruptive Technologies
- Drucker's Seven Sources of Innovation
- Economies of Agglomeration
- Eight Simple Steps for New Product Development
- Familiarity Matrix
- Future Back Thinking
- Generative AI in Business Strategy
- Hook Model
- House of Quality
- Idea Screening Matrix
- Innovation Circle
- Innovation Management Platforms
- Innovation Pyramid
- Innovation Radar
- Innovation prioritization
- Innovation vs. Reaction
- Lean Startup Methodology
- Market Gap Analysis
- Minimum Viable Products (MVP)
- New Product Development Model
- New Service Development Model
- Open Market Innovation
- Product Opportunity Evaluation Matrix - Poem Matrix
- Rapid Prototyping Tools
- SOAR Analysis
- Simplex Process
- Skimming Pricing
- Strategic Horizons
- Strategic Innovation Canvas
- Superhero Strategy
- Technology Life Cycle
- Three Horizons of Growth
- Wardley Maps
Market Analysis
- 6 Market Dynamics
- Available Market
- BCG Matrix
- Boston Matrix
- Bowman's Strategy Clock
- Business Ecosystem Modeling Tool
- Competitive Intelligence
- Competitive Pricing
- Competitive Profile Matrix
- Diamond Model
- Diffusion of Innovations Curve
- EFE & IFE Matrices
- GE-McKinsey Matrix
- Heptalysis
- Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions Theory
- Industry Analysis
- International Market Assessment Tools
- Kernel of Strategy
- Market dominance
- Marketing Research Mix
- Miles and Snow's Organizational Strategies
- Mullins' Seven Domains Model
- Ohmae's 3C Model
- PEST and PESTEL Analysis
- PlayingStrategyCanvas
- Porter's Diamond
- Porter's Five Forces Analysis
- Porter's Four Corners
- Product Diffusion Curve
- Product Life Cycle
- SPACE Matrix
- SWOT Analysis
- Six Market Dynamics
- Technology Adoption Life Cycle
- Three Tiers of Non-Customers
- Trading Agent Competition
- Value Net Model
Marketing Strategies
- 4P's of Marketing
- 4S Web Marketing Mix
- App Store Optimization
- Efficient Mobile App Marketing Strategy
- Hootsuite's Social Media Strategy Framework
- Influencer Partnerships
- Kotler's Pricing Strategies
- Market share capture
- Mobile App Marketing Strategy
- Sales Funnel
- Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning Model (STP)
- Simonson and Rosen's Influence Mix
- Social Media Campaigns
- Social Media Strategy in 8 Steps
- Operational Efficiency
Organizational Design
- Adizes' Corporate Lifecycle
- Catchball Process
- Change Management
- Communication Systems
- Congruence Model
- Cultural Web
- Culture Map
- Culture Mapping
- Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) Strategy
- IIDC Strategic Tool
- Interrelationship Digraph
- Leadership team
- MECE Framework
- McKinsey's 7S Framework
- Mintzberg's Organizational Configurations
- Organization Design Principles
- Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI)
- Pentagon and Triangle
- Pyramid of Organisational Development
- RACI Matrix (responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed)
- Resource Audit
- Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)
- Responsibility Matrices
- Rethinking Matrix Organization
- Strategic Consistency Triangle
- Top-Down Strategy
- Using the Greiner Curve
- VRIO Analysis
- Weisbord's Six-Box Model
Performance Measurement
- ASL Matrix
- Balanced Scorecard
- Benchmarking
- Critical Success Factors
- Customer Lifetime Value
- Data-Driven Decision-Making Framework
- Decision Matrix
- GAP Analysis
- General Electric Matrix
- Goals Grid
- McKinsey's Ten Timeless Tests of Strategy
- Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)
- Performance Tracking
- Practical Business Planning
- Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM)
- Systematic Analysis
- X-Matrix
Risk Management
- Calculated risks
- Competitive Blind Spots
- Competitive Scenario Planning
- Compliance Management Systems
- Contingency Planning
- Corporate Governance
- Crisis Management
- Decision Trees
- Digital Trust Framework
- Disaster Recovery Plan
- Early Warning Scans
- Futures Wheel
- Game Theory
- NIST Cybersecurity Framework
- Policy Development
- Privacy Compliance and Strategy Model
- Privacy-by-Design Framework
- Resilience Strategy Framework
- Risk Management
- Risk Management Framework
- Scenario Planning
- Startup Legal Toolkit
- Strategic Resilience PlanningStrategic Scenario Planning
- War Gaming
- Supplier and Supply Chain Management
Sustainability Strategies
- Carbon Footprint Calculator for Business
- Circular Business Model Canvas
- Circularity Gap Reporting Tool
- Efficiency and sustainability tradeoff
- Four Steps to a Conscious Business
- Green Management
- Integrated Reporting Framework
- Life Cycle Analysis
- Performance Prism
- Responsible Sourcing Framework
- Supply Chain Transparency
- Sustainability Assessment Frameworks
- Sustainability and Circular Economy Model
- Triple Bottom Line
- Technology Integration
Value Proposition and Customer Focus
- Abell Framework
- Blue Ocean Four Action Framework
- Business Motivation Model
- Customer Analysis
- Customer Focus
- Customer-Driven Innovation
- Delta Model
- Four Pillars of Long Term Value
- Harvard Business School Services Model
- Hedgehog Concept
- Jobs to be Done Framework (JTBD)
- Kano Model
- Kay's Distinctive Capabilities Framework
- Kotler and Keller's Five Product Levels
- Lauterborn's 4Cs
- Mission and Vision Statements
- Platform Ecosystem Strategy
- Porter's Generic Strategies
- Pyramid of Purpose
- Sweet Spot
- USP Analysis
- Value Concept and Relationship Management
- Value Curve Analysis
- Value Disciplines Model
- Value Proposition Canvas
- Value-Based Pricing
- Values Disciplines Model
- Vision Statement
- Voice of the Customer Strategy